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I just cottoned on to the fact..............

In one swipe of a visa.................i have paid more for this zoom EP then the combined cost of my SW Heritage 130p scope and my Celestron 70mm travelscope.

Anyone want to buy a 4 yr old Yorkshire Terrier?.

P&P included.

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Sorry I missed your posts Paul - got wrapped up in a film lol.

The top notch zooms include the likes of Pentax and Televue. But these are the only ones that beat it in a SaN group test 18mths ago - and they cost significantly more. The Baader is great value because it performs very close to other fixed stop eyepieces in the same range and is a very flexible and useful piece in any ones set.

Apart from the slightly narrower fov at 24mm (which is no biggie), you can use it for refining polar alignment and star alignment down to 8mm without changing eyepieces and giving great accuracy for most objects in a session (wether manual or goto).

It has a sizeable twist up eyecup for good eye relief, has a thread for attaching a dslr for projection photography, can be configured for 1.25" or 2" focus tubes, has a nice smooth well engineered action, and rubberised grip ring.

The views are crisp, contrasty, and very clear, across most of the fov, with barely any noticeable internal reflection, and are significantly better than supplied eyepieces or anything found in basic eyepiece kits (which cost almost as much). Imho it's like having five £80-£100 eyepieces in one, and mounted in a 2" Powermate 2x doubles them without losing noticable quality (if your scope can deal with the higher magnification).

I've heard of the "sticky action" comments, they seem to come mostly when it's used on very cold nights and it's left in the focuser constantly. I don't get this on my Mk2 - it's allways the Mk3's. But the only two drawbacks are relatively minor and can be lived with for such a useful, general purpose, decent quality, workhorse eyepiece.

It's quite weighty and I don't know about your 70mm - but the 130 will spring into life - my old 150P certainly did when I had it - perfect for the 8SE. Hope that sets your mind at ease ;)

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I think Iam going to save up for one myself as good feedback of this ep's is all over the place.

First ill invest in a TAL 2x barlow before I start saving for the EP

Paul, let me know what your experience will be with this zoom EP ;) would love to know.

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As I said in my previous post I am in something of a quandry about the Hyperion zoom.

I have just shelled out £92 on a fixed focal length Hyperion and was considering an 8 or 10mm one.

Now there is the zoom to consider. I have a Celestron Ultima 2x barlow already, so by using that in conjuction with a fixed focal length ep I should cover most bases. Also I like the fact that they come with a 68 degree fov whereas the zoom only has this facility the more it zooms in.

I guess you can experiment until the cows come home, but it would be quite an expensive experiment. I want to get it right first time if I can. On the flip side having just one ep (the zoom) in the scope you are not messing around changing eyepieces all the time. What to do. Decisions, decisions.......

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No look at the reason for the edit ;)

Ahhhhhhh ok Kai. Thanks. I was kidding about the dog.

Brant...........thanks for the review. I was a bit concerned after i bought it that i was paying a silly amount for a single EP but then i started thinking that it is more then a single EP, its an EP collection. So i feel better now and have no regrets.

I'll probably just use it as a dedicated EP "collection" for the 8SE and use the rest of my EP's with my other scopes.

Less to carry is always a winner in my books.

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oh hell i feel a spending spree coming on, Celestdon is running me to Rother Valley on Saturday i've a very uneasy feeling i'll be walking out with something and then ordering a baader all being well.Sounds a brilliant piece of kit,thanks guys...i think :)

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My Baader Hyperion click zoom arrived yesterday(wed 21)-prompt service from FLO.

Now looking forward to clear skys this weekend so i can try it out:glasses1:

please keep us posted, im gathering as much feedback as i can, to make a decision as to if i should buy it or not

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"I notice that the Baader Hyperion zoom seems to have a "rose tinted lens". Is there any reason for this?"

Probably the coatings Paul - if held in the light at an appropriate angle, a lot of the better lenses have a bit of a tinge to them :)

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Well... Should I sell my (recently bought) 24mm Hyperion and my Ultima 2x barlow and get the Hyperion zoom???????

Or should I get a 8/10mm Hyperion to go with what I have? I have already had many people recommend various ep's and for that I am very grateful, but with such wide opinion it can be almost impossible to make a final decision. It's not like I have not done my homework.

The Hyperion zoom does seem to have alot of fans out there in SGL land and I do like the convenience of popping one ep in and leaving it there. But on the downside the zoom doesn't go down to 68 degree fov of the fixed focal length one in 24mm mode. Since I got my 24mm fixed I love it and the fact that it goes to 68 degree is a big thing for me. Shame that Baader don't do a zoom one that covers this fov at low mag. If they did it would be the ultimate eyepiece.

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I'm also thinking about buying the Hyperion zoom, can anyone please tell me if this would work well in an ST120 or should I be looking at individual eps for an f/5 refractor?

Also would it work ok with the stock Barlow I've got ?

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