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Saturn, my first sighting


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Well Im glad I left the scope out tonight after some early mist.

Cleared around 10.30 and right now im locked onto saturn for the first time and its just as everyone says it is, a real wow.

I thought Jupiter was breathtaking when I saw that for the first time a few months back but this is something else.

Its kind of strange looking at a tiny dot in the sky and then viewing it through the scope and seeing the rings.

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I remember my first view of Saturn through a scope.

It was an early Bresser 100mm refractor. I'd saved hard for it and luckily the day I got it the night was crystal clear with no moon.

I was lost for words add I gazed at the planet, then when I changed eyepieces and resolved the Cassini division I felt quite humbled.

Then I got a Celestron 9.25 sct and was even more flabbergasted at the views.

Just wait til you can find Uranus and Neptune!

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I don't have a proper astronomical scope.....yet

so having heard that it is possible to see 5 planets during the evening/nights I got my spotting scope set up. It's only a Praktica B00514 20-60x77 Scope so nothing special BUT I got it focused on Saturn Monday night and managed to get the small very feint point of light resolved into something that looked like the flat head of a small nail with a rugby-ball shaped middle section. even that very primitive view made me feel excited. :)

To think that it is 832,138,249 miles away just blows me away. :)

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Saturn is the most awesome sight in the solar system without a doubt. Well done. Jupiter is my favorite, but it does not take your breath away quite like Saturn.

Pretty much my sentiments too. The first time I saw Saturn in a scope, I was like a child with a new toy :). I kept my scope trained on Saturn all evening until it disappeared behind the neighbours trees, and kept going back to it, just for another look. I don't think I could quite believe I was really seeing it with my own eyes. Majestic, it was .... absolutely awesome! :)

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I first viewed Jupiter late last year with my friends cheap 4" reflector & I'd already ordered the scope I have now. After seeing Jupiter a few times I woke up early one morning due to myself not being able to sleep & aimed the scope at Saturn & it was definitely a big wow factor!

Late Saturday night Sunday morning I was out there again looking at Saturn I must have been out there for 2 hours or more just looking at it. Saturn has to be my favourite planet to view & I'll certainly never forget the first time I saw it.

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Seeing Saturn for the first time really reinforced what a rewarding activity we are involved in. Yes I guess I was humbled in a sort of strange way. But what a great sight.

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I'm glad you enjoyed your first sighting, it's something you don't forget. My first sighting was after a month of waiting, I looked at it next to a gibbous moon, past a street light right next to me, it was still breath taking.

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I'm glad you enjoyed your first sighting, it's something you don't forget. My first sighting was after a month of waiting, I looked at it next to a gibbous moon, past a street light right next to me, it was still breath taking.

I had to wait a couple of months as it was not clearing my neighbors house until the early hours. Its now visable at around 11.30

Looking forward to showing the kids when its higher in the sky and at a more reasonable hour.

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I had my first look at Saturn through my scope last night and wanted to wake up the whole family to come and see it. I'm still buzzing even after a hard day in work.

Exactly how I felt, my best view of Saturn comes at around 4.30 - 5am ATM (west facing back garden), so they would not have been too happy LOL, I however, get up as early as possible just for the chance to see it :)

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I had my first look at Saturn through my scope last night and wanted to wake up the whole family to come and see it. I'm still buzzing even after a hard day in work.

Same for me all day I been buzzing about what I saw last night. I got my phone out to call my dad tell him to come round then saw it was 1:15 am so put phone away again :)

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I saw it for first time not too long ago. I was set up in the garden from viewing Jupiter earlier, but Saturn wouldnt come into view for around 3 hours and i didnt want to take scope down, put it in the car, then set up again, so i watched match of the day and the football league show while i waited :) running outside every 10mins to make sure it was still there and hadnt fallen over (id of cried so much), but the view is amazing, and thats only with sh*tty eyepeices that come with the telescope, so when i get new ones should be sooo much better

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is it just me or is saturn the planet that before we actually scoped it was the one that would look so much like a planet should[if you know what i mean] jupiter is lovely with its bands [and redspot if your lucky to see it] mars is red /orange star [maybe an ice cap/ canals again if your lucky to see them] but saturn ......... saturn just looks WOW it's the bee's knee's as my mum would say:)

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