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As far as Hobbies go... its not that expensive

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I also keep marine fish, probably spent £5000 over 5 years and thats a never ending cost, just to run my 5' x 2' x 2'6" tank cost about £90 per quater in Electric, then about £25 per month on food then £10-20 per month on test kits salt etc...

Anyone want to buy a 5'x2'x2'6" marine set up


I like fish. Didn't relalise they were so expensive!

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Large cod and chips is nearly a tenner at a local chippy here.

I can get a 2 - course carvery for less than that.....

The biggest con though must be a Pizza.

Ten quid for a circle of dough, a blob of ketchup and an ounce of cheese.

You can get HUGE fresh Pizza's in Tescbury's for around £3.50

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I used to keep a 6'x2'x2'6" marine tank until I came to my senses!!!!

Moved to a 14" cube tank, even more rewarding/challenging to obtain a stable environment in a small volume.

No way am I going smaller, it took years to get this where it more or less looks after itself, just top up with RO and the odd water change every other month, I got some massive Bristleworms 8"-10" long my misses wont put her hand in the tank now she is scared of them.

Got plenty xenia and medusa corals if you ever want any.


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LOL -- think like most people, been there and done it with the fish tanks. Had 3 tanks at one point 1 marine (about 40 gallon), 1 tropical (about 80 gallon) and my favoutite a 45 gallon with 15 Red belly piranhas. By far the Marine was mega expensive. The kit was expensive to start with, but the price of the fish was just a **** take. I could kit out a full tropical tank for the price of one marine fish, just for it to die a week later LOL. Loved the Piranhas, my son (3year old at the time) used to hand feed them, until one night my wife walked by the tank and shouted to me that the tank "felt a little hot", hot?? i couldnt touch the glass, the fish had chewed through the heater cable and it had went short -- emergency action, had to relocate them to the tropical tank, as they were worth at that point around £100 each (they were huge) -- guess how long the tropical fish lasted?? about 5 minutes by my estimation LOL. So down to 2 tanks and only 8 of the piranhas survived the ordeal. Within 1 month all piranha had died, im guessing the shock of the ordeal was just too much. At this point i lost interest and the marine tank ended up taking a dive.

So to concluded LOL, astronomy is really cheap compared to other hobbies..


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