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150P or 200P

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Hi fellow SGL fan's. I'm in a bit of a dilemma.... would there be much difference in viewing pleasure with a skywatcher explorer 150p as opposed to a skywatcher explorer 200p... I've seen video's of Jupiter on youtube using both and the 200p looks a whole lot better, But i'm not sure if this is just down to the experience/lenses/light quality (on the day)...etc. But it does look sharper with the 200p. Anyone got any input please?:D

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The 200 gathers 77% more light than the 150. Thats going to make a noticeable difference on deep sky objects and potentially on the moon and planets as well but it may take a bit more time at the eyepiece and good viewing conditions to notice the difference there. It will be there though.

If you go 150 you will always be wondering about the 200 though ........

Don't ask me to put a value in £'s on the extra performance - astronomers will spend £100's getting an extra few % of performance though :D

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thanks Ian getting it with a EQ5..... and Dmahon... Yeah i get the point, i'd love something bigger (that's what the wife says) lol, But my budget is the max £400. anyway now committed bought the 200p this morning whoohoo! Cheers SGL fans :D

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thanks Ian getting it with a EQ5..... and Dmahon... Yeah i get the point, i'd love something bigger (that's what the wife says) lol, But my budget is the max £400. anyway now committed bought the 200p this morning whoohoo! Cheers SGL fans :D

Hey vince, where did you buy it??

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Hi Zero-G I got my scope from skywatcher explorer 200P from telescope outlet, It was a return's but only 2 weeks old, 12 months warranty on it and got about £60 off, so i'm happy John (above ) put me on to it.... Big thankyou John... I think "first light optics do a good deal too, this is where i was going to get it from to start with, Here's a link... First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 200P EQ5. I'm sure i'm going to be very happy.. Vince

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Hi Zero-G I got my scope from skywatcher explorer 200P from telescope outlet, It was a return's but only 2 weeks old, 12 months warranty on it and got about £60 off, so i'm happy John (above ) put me on to it.... Big thankyou John... I think "first light optics do a good deal too, this is where i was going to get it from to start with, Here's a link... First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 200P EQ5. I'm sure i'm going to be very happy.. Vince

Cheers Vince, sounds like a result :headbang: I'm actually after the dob equivalent - the 200P Skyliner - and have been looking everywhere for one in stock (FLO was my first port of call). No joy until 10 mins ago when I finally struck gold! Scopesnskies had an ex-demo which I got for £55 less than their new price and comes with 12 month warranty... so result for me too :D

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