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NASA APOD - the Seagull Nebula


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Really delighted to see you get this one Harel. I greatly admire your images. Strange that you got it with something bright enough for most mortals to image since you normally specialize in the strictly invisible!!!


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Congratulations Harel!! It is a fantastic image with so much going on.

Thanks Lewis! I am happy you liked it!

Actually, the amount if stuff going on in this image surprised me very much while processing it... I never thought there were so many wrinkles in the gas and dust..


Harel :)

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Sincerest congratulations on not only a superb image but also with it being an APOD... :hello2::D :D

(Can I ask how many you've had? This surely can't be your first...?!)

Thanks for these kind words and congrats!

... and yes, that was my first APOD :(


Harel :)

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Congratulations and well done, it's a terrific image. Ever since someone on SGL (can't remember who it was ), likened the seagull nebula to a parrot, all I see now when I look at images of this nebula is a parrot! :D

Thanks Andy, guys,

Indeed, there's much more of a Parrot in that bird's head than a seagull, I must admit. I think it might be that the seagull name came to it from early views at rather large FOV's, in which the Parrot's face is less evident :hello2:


Harel :)

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Really delighted to see you get this one Harel. I greatly admire your images. Strange that you got it with something bright enough for most mortals to image since you normally specialize in the strictly invisible!!!


Thanks Olly, and you know that the admiration of imaging is very mutual here :-)

I was somewhat surprised too, but then took it as somewhat of a complement that a bright object, which has quite a few versions out there, was chosen, rather than one which would have been chosen mainly for its rareness. This way or that, it was happy, and as I can see an ocassion for so many good guys to come forward and say hi. That was for me the true treat of this :hello2:

Thanks again Olly!


Harel :)

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Congratulation. Your seagull nebula at apod is the best seagull i've seen so far.

Thanks Emil

By the way - there's a very warm part of my heart with Romania, where I spent four lovely years of my childhood in. I imagane that the mountains probably offer numerous dark sites to image from, and have a hot, superb, Chorba afterwards :)

I liked your jellyfish image very much, by the way!



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Congrats, do you win a day in control of the hubble ?

Thanks! I wish I would! I wish we all would! With the level of imaging on this site, give us one day in the Hubble saddle, and we'll back with images of ET in a family dinner, in a galaxy far, far away :hello2:


Harel :)

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