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Final decision time guys.

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Ok after my last post I took in some good information and done some viewing of scopes and im just stuck which to get as there is so many :p so i thought i would ask you guys for a little more advice .

Anyways to get to the point I want a scope that will give me some good quality detail of jupitar as this is one of my fave planets but something that will also give me a little more of deep space.

The two that were suggested last time were

200p dob (im unsure about this as its so big and unsure if i can store it )

skywatcher synscan 127 skymax (this seems about right but not sure if it will give me what iam after so anyone who has one please give me some pointers if you can or feedback)

Those are just the two ive been looking at mainly but if anyone could suggest any others ? it doesnt have to have goto etc and budget is £400 max.

Much appreciated if you could help as my head is going mad with so many to choose from.

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And yet another vote for the 200P. When making my own buying decision a couple of weeks ago I was trying to choose between the 150 and the 200; I'm glad I went bigger. I even caught myself thinking the other night "I wonder how this would look through a 250...". (an early warning sign of aperture fever).

My point is, get the 200!

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I would suggest your next move is to go and see these scopes in the flesh.

IMO the 8" Dob is a nice small scope but others think its huge. Best to see for yourself.

Check out your local Astro store or society viewing night. Bound to be someone with an 8" Dob that'll be only to happy to let you have a gander through it.

Good luck with your decision.

Regards Steve

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You do need to see one in the flesh because they are often bigger than you expect but the have a small footprint and stored vertically don't take up much house/garage room.

Yea space is gonna be the big killer but if I get good detail views it might be worth it.

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I was reading this thread here


i found the pictures really helpful and it's helped make up my mind, space is of a premium for me and narrow staircases are involved, it's the Mak 127 for me. The 200p maybe the better scope but realistically the difficulties with the sheer size make it untenable for me.

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Regards storage, my 200P Dobsonian doesn't actually take up any more floor space than my alt-az tripod-mounted refractor. If anything it's better than the refractor as, when stored vertically, all of the OTA and finder fits well within the footprint of the base. When I first got it, it looked huge and impossibly unweildy, but the more I've used it and lived with it, the more reasonable it seems.


As a reference, that door is normal width but a bit short (I'm 6 foot and have to duck slightly if I dont want a sharp crack on the top of my head)

The worst part is when you first unpack it and your room seems to be full of telescope and boxes!

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If FLO don't have them coming in soon you might try giving Bern a ring Skywatcher Newtonian Telescopes @ Modern Astronomy

wow was looking at some of your deep scan images on your 150p and they look awsome, do you see those actual views ? or can you only see those via capturing to your computer ? eaither way they look awsome.

Do you live in street light free area ?

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wow was looking at some of your deep scan images on your 150p and they look awsome, do you see those actual views ? or can you only see those via capturing to your computer ? eaither way they look awsome.

Do you live in street light free area ?

Thanks :p

The camera shows far more than you can actually see. I live on the edge of a housing estate on the south side of Gloucester. The sky is a uniform orange colour but my garden isn't directly overlooked by any street lights. The faintest stars I can see with the naked eye are mag 4.5 on the best nights. So pretty average for a suburban astronomer I would think.

Take a look at my sketch album to get an idea of what I can actually see in the eyepiece. I have tried to make them representative of the actual visual view.

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heh what we need is a bionic eye so we can see the full spectrum :p eaither way looks like you get some good views via the naked eye too but those deeps sky ones you captured are just amazing just makes you wanna jump into space and go visit them all :) just ashame we cant :).

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