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Optical defects gallery - an idea.

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While pondering an issue of Ant's on the imaging board it came to me that a gallery of optical and imaging defects might be etremely useful. Some defects come up again and again - guiding errors, backlash, pinched optics, mis-collimation. We tend to re-invent the wheel each time so a gallery of defects and their solutions would be a big help to the afflicted!


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I would imagine the common defects that, are cause identifiable would be a good thing to place on record Ollie.

The ones that Catanonia has been experiencing with the SuperNewt, are seemingly difficult to pin down.

However, as a novice in the field, I'm saying what I think, rather than what I know. I think you have a good suggestion here though.


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I was looking for something like this on the internet a few days ago, and failed to find anything beyond the Wikipedia entries.

I really don't know when I see a visual defect whether I am seeing astigmatism, pincushion distortion, coma or something else, and it would nice to be able to use the correct description when doing a critical appraisal of a telescope or eyepiece.

The internet is so full of poorly-informed opinion, I don't like to think I could be contributing to it.


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'Tis an extremely good idea. Also how about including a library of different telescopes and what they look like using a standard imaging setup (e.g DSLR) with and without correctors/flatteners etc. There's no good library of the different scopes out there and between everyone here surely we could put together a decent list of images showing coma, field flatteness etc for most telescopes make and model?


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I think this is an excellent idea Olly... says someone who is currently confused whether his refractor has a focuser orthagonality issue or whether it's down to poor polar alignment, poor guiding, differential flexure or possibly non-flush fitting camera.

I think it would be useful to not only see how each issue portrays itself in an image (like Per's), but also how to test and resolve each of them (if possible) and to assist with ruling them out of the investigation...

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A few practical examples of (e.g. eyepiece) aberrations might indeed useful. Many terms - astigmatism, field curvature etc., are bandied about (repeated) on (invariably other? LOL) forums - Without much comprehension on either side. :(

But, with little remnant shame re. asking stupid questions, I am EVER indebted to those (Elsewhere and here) who take the time and trouble to *gently* ... enlighten - Folks who really know their stuff. :D

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