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If you dont like the weather in Wales, wait half an hour

Andy McK

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I've spent today at the top of the Rhymney valley,

We've had sunshine, rain, strong cold wind, then back to sunshine.

To cap it all, at about 16:30 it started to snow, quite badly.

Road conditions deteriated quite quickly (took me 1 1/2 hours to get home in Port Talbot, usually takes about 40 mins)

On the way home, my daughter phones me (hands free) (me, not my daughter :evil:) Dad, skies are clear in Swansea, do u fancy comming over for a bit of stargazing and get some practice in for Saturday (I hope Mat)

Got to my daughter (via home to pick up me Tal), at about 19:30 ish and the skies were clear (moon looked awesome, driving down the Neath valley)

By the time we had set up, no more clear sky.

With enthusiasum my daughter said, Give it half hour Dad, it might clear. By then the rain was soaking all our kit.

Packed up, went for KFC instead (got the carrier bag for free, so not a totally wasted evening :icon_salut:)

Full marks for effort though.

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Hi Matt - I'm a bit further down the Rhymney Valley than you by the sound of it but - came home from Newport and it was chucking it down - had to go over to Church Village for an hour and the skies were clear as a bell - by the time I got home my mate was outside with his gear all set up ion his drive with a few cans of Fosters and I thought - great here we go lets start the weekend early- then the In Laws rolled up - end of sports- and you think you've had a bad night lol

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10/10 for effort Andy ,I didn't get out of bed till 4 so was a bit shocked to see snow !.I will have to go up the site later and check how bad the road and car park is.The next few days look to be clear and frosty so if the council havnt gritted it,it may be dangerous.

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I had a cherokee ( 2001 model ) with cooper tt mud tyres,i used to pray for snow lol i used to love spending the day mudding it up !!!

Nice one Mat (they are a tad thirsty, one of the members had same same, but ran it on propane)

My budget ran to a Lada Riva (very very modified) But we gave the Landie boys a run for there money

you took it in turns to peg out a coarse, but you have to drive it your self first, b surprised what you could get 4wd to negociate great fun...

PS winch, mandatory for removal of ambitious drivers (:icon_salut:)

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Working long distance all this week, I have to woose out, sorry Matt, but I have had and hour out back with my bins. Still, I do notice the difference that LP makes, between P talbot and Blaenavon. Forcast is this cold snap is in for the week. Hopefully If clear on Fri or Sat, I'll load up the car with telescope n tea. Moreover, my inverter has turned up, so I do fancy trying it with the TAL mount (AC only)

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