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Iridium flare in a light sky

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Nice Bomber though, when do you plan to take me up in it

I've learned how to take off in it so anytime you like mate..

Or would you rather wait till I've learned how to land it :)

Only trouble with the old stealth, it's the devils own job finding where I

left it in Tesco's car park :)

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Must admit to never trying to capture one on film.

What do you do Phil? Point in the area specified by Heavens Above and then just open the shutter at the appointed time?

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Point in the area specified by Heavens Above and then just open the shutter at the appointed time

Yep Daz, that about sums it up.

To get a streak of light, you need to open up about 3 seconds before and shut off 3 seconds after.

Not a problem in a dark sky but tricky in a light sky as the longish exposure can wash out the image.

I use a cheapo clock (Argos) with Rugby radio control which is very very accurate for the split timing.

Nicest ones I've got are with the camera tracking on my barn door mount for say 1 minute.

In a dark sky, you get the nice widefield stars shot with the flare as a bonus. :)

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