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Big Orange thing arrived in a box today! (Orange is better!) :)

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Wow! My first ever scope (real one) arrived today. Celestron C8 se. OMG it's soooo BIG! What is the Mrs. gonna say when she gets home from work?

Am I facing a divorce! ?

Well I did tell her I was buying one and she said that's nice. I pointed to one on ebay a 40cm refractor lol...

Took me about 1 hour to ferociously errrr I mean carefully unpack this item and unpack, fold and hide the masses & masses of cardboard and foam stuff that came with it.

Set it up all fine got the finder aligned on the Didcot Power station chimney 2 miles away!

Put in the long and lat and played with it all was good. Then plugged into starry night pro plus 6 worked a treat it was amazing! (This software is so impressive it's frightening)

Comon clear sky's and night time please (never want to see day light again!). Clouds everwhere looks like rain. Still it will be making an entrance into the garden tonight whatever :)

Just hope I don't get locked out in the garden with it.

Read the on-line .pdf manual last week before it arrived a few times to familiarize myself with what I am doing. Does it make a cup of tea?

Well just putting the tripod down to the minimum position to make it all look a lot smaller ready for tonight.

Any tips would be nice and I will leave it outside tonight a good hour before using for collimation.

Kindest regards & Wish me luck Dave

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Doesn't it just feel great though!!!!. DIVORCE pah! It's there now, wot can she do? ENJOY.

Just remember there's no need to go into details over all the other bits 'n' pieces that you'll soon be after.

good luck!

Karlo. :)

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Better enjoy your new scope while you can...........your other half may be slightly miffed :) . Maybe you should have got a cheap tent, just in case the garden's your home for a while:lol:


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Just remember there's no need to go into details over all the other bits 'n' pieces that you'll soon be after.

Agreed wholeheartedly on this point... buy a few flight cases, and leave them empty. Fill them up slowly and close the cases up. It looks like you havent bought much (or anything) for a while, and you`ll get away with it... until you need to buy more flight cases (like I am about to have to do... <GULP>)

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Well Dave, I nearly didn't see your big box arrival post. That now makes three of you with very large pre Chrismas deliveries.

There is lots of excitement buzzing around SGL now, with everyone awaiting the reports from three new instruments on the verge of

First light. It's just a pity Saturn is not very favourable now, you could have shown it to the good lady, and any doubts would be swept away.

Good luck with the Orange one. It's going to be great.

Ron. :)

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Agreed wholeheartedly on this point... buy a few flight cases, and leave them empty. Fill them up slowly and close the cases up. It looks like you havent bought much (or anything) for a while, and you`ll get away with it... until you need to buy more flight cases (like I am about to have to do... <GULP>)

Just done that Steve but like you I'm thinking " cripes! I gonna need another one. If they look the same she might never cotton on to fact there's two !" :blackeye:?

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Hi Dave,

the stars will always be there for you, come what may. I hope you get a clear night to try out the big orange one, here is a link to BBC weather which I have always found reasonably accurate in the 24 hour forecast section: http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/

Good luck, Huw.

I don't mean to sound sour but I looked at the site and well,see for yourself! http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/24hr.shtml?id=2575

:):o:D:) :)

so much for my much awaited First Light report on the Cape! :o

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Well still looking out of the window to see if I can whip the scope out for a first ever glance at the moon at around 1:30 am but theres just no break in the clouds what so ever. As soon as I do I will write some kind of newbie report with pictures included. Well I hear these scopes are good at terrestrial so maybe a bit of Bra-gazing could be in order! ahermm! I suppose I could read the manual again for the 5th time.

Kindest regards David

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David congrats on the new 'scope! I've just got my new one too and it's really exciting :) Don't want anymore days you say, too right! Although that's a little harsh on Solar observers :o

As for the weather Grrrrr... :) Very frustrating. I had the rare good fortune of a clear night on the day I got my 'scope but I'm waiting impatiently for another clear night. I'm itching to get to a dark site with my sketchpad.

By the by we really should start a thread for members looking to (a) justify the purchase of expensive astronomy toys to angry spouses/family members or (:o ways to effectively hide them :D ...the toys not the family...although... :)


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Weather dosn't look too good for the next 5 days either. Ireland west has it clear at the moment though lucky beggars. Well until I take the lens cap off my telescope I do not officially become an amateur stargazer. I did take it off earlier to see what was inside:)

I think I'll hook it back up to Starry Night pro 6 plus and play with the menu settings etc and take her for a spin in the computer room again. 23:40 now and not a break in the clouds :)

Wonder how everyone else is getting on with their new scopes today and if they are fortunate enough to live in a place where there are stars visible.

From a very eager soon to be proud amateur stargazer...

Kindest regards David

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Don't bother about collimation right now, just get out and look at stuff! That's what you really want to do. If the stars are a little triangular, just say 'Right. Needs collimation." and keep looking at stuff. You can collimate tomorrow. The moon will look good, and Jupiter's up at about 10:30.

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Hi all went something like this...

Me "Hi honey I'm Home!"

The Wife "What's this then"

Me "That is what's called a scmitz Casselgrain telescope. The one I said I was getting"

The Wife "It's a bit big isn't it"

Me "Well you always tell me bigger is better dear!" :)

The Wife "Where you going to keep it?"

Me "It disassembles and can go in the cupboard"


Me "Err not sure yet haven't paid for it"

The Wife "I hope we are going to get our money's worth out of it?"

Me "Never thought you was interested in the Stars Dear?"

The Wife "Well I may take a little look and see what they look like! BTW if you had money to spend on that you can go and get that gold emerald ring that I liked"

Well 2 nights later hasn't come out what so ever. Too much haze and clouds. Getting really frustrating for me now. :)

But the mrs. Is on hold.

Kindest regards David

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The Wife "Well I may take a little look and see what they look like! BTW if you had money to spend on that you can go and get that gold emerald ring that I liked".

Try and show her Saturn Dave, if it is still viewable that is. She will forget about the other mundane ring once she sees the big ones. :)


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