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wow such a reponse and everybodys saying skywatcher.....thanks....iv had a play with the 130p and i think the build quality is amazing compared to what i currently have. im evently going to be takeing pics of stuff..i think for now id like to learn my way around the sky by hand without a ''go-to'' although i can apreciate that a go-to will track what ever im imaging and hence yeald better results....but for know i just want a descent scope and a web-cam.....dont have the budget for a dslr camera yet although i do have a fairly decent fuji fine pix....its just impossible to mount it on the scopes eyepiece hold it and pull the trigger all at the same time. infuriating!

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Well then, if you're keen to learn the sky then the 150P Dobsonian is the way to go. It's the same OTA as mine and this week sees me doing mods to it since it's so brilliant.

If you think you'll want to take pictures then I know it goes against the grain but the don is the best bet for the future. It doesn't come on a tracking mount, granted but you'll have very limited success on any mounted telescope in your budget anyway. The 150P is a serious enough instrument to warrant getting a decent high quality goto mount like a HEQ5 or an NEQ6 in the future, the other don't.

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mmmmmmmmmm i will cheack it out then...me other problem is storage and four small children aswell you see...the dob looks massive and lower than the 130p/m and im wearey of that making it a little more acssesable to the kids as the others would be higer of the ground and outa reacj of the little people lol

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It's theForum rank. The more posts you get the "higher" the rank. I'm currently a Sub Dwarf.

The but under this is the signature which is listed on the left panel on the Control Panel. This will turn up after a day and ten posts or something (you may have to log out and back). It's an anti spam measure to stop Chinese shoe spammers.

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