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First light (sort of) and first image


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Evening all.

I've been into SN6 and it lets me enter my scope and camera and gives me a nice box the right size for the FOV. It works out to 2.35 x 1.5 Degrees.

Large enough to get M31 in (just) . I actually thought that it would be a larger FOV than that but I'm quite happy.

I was in a little bit of a rush TBH, need some sleep and it doesn't really get dark that early does it?

Did a rough polar alignment - when I finally checked it (as I was packing up) I estimate it to have been about 5 degrees out :police: , I should have checked it at the start... Even with the polar alignment out I managed a good round star (altair) with a 1 minutes exposure.

But this trip out served it's purpose... I have now answered several questions.

1) Do I need a finder scope? YES

2) Will the 300 D focus with the Diagonal in ? NO

3) Do I like sitting on the floor? NO

4) Do I need some form of Dew Prevention? YES.

5) Who you gonna call? STEVE (as soon as my cheque has cleared!)

So I have decided that I can use the Tube rings from the 80mm Guide scope on the Revalation. So I can order one pair of over size tube rings and a dovetail from FLO. This will hold both scopes in place much better than they are at the moment. I can then drill and tap for some bolts and have an adjustable guide scope :D

Then I need a finder and at least one dew strip thingy from Steve.

Expect a call in about a weeks time Steve.

Anyway here is an image taken tonight. Resized to 25% of original - minor tweaking in PS. M13 ED80 and 300D. Single exposure of 17 Seconds at 800 ISO.

According the SN, the image straight from the camera shows that I captured stars down to around mag 13.4. This seemed a little faint for a slow scope and only 17 seconds - but the star was there...


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Only 17 seconds - a great image for that short an exposure. Just imagine what a stack of a dozen 30 second images will do - nice!

No significant star trailing - yet you say you were about 5 degrees out on Polar alignment - are you sure you were that far out?

Good image - always a pleasure to see M13.

Incidentally - it doesn't get dark up here until about midnight - never really truly dark now (okay for moon, planets and bright Globs, carp for anything else), it is getting brighter by 2am. So most of us up here are packing away the 'scopes and thinking about Summer hols.


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