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It's never clear anymore :(.


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Crazy ain't it?

The other night I was reading some of my older observing logs (guess what, it was cloudy again), and noticed how many more entries I made in the past. My observing habits haven't changed (I still go out whenever it's clear, barring nights around the full moon). This indeed suggests our climate is getting cloudier.:icon_scratch:

How depressing.

Regards Steve

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you are not wrong, got around 20mins last night on the moon and nearly blinded myself....got no filters...Doh!!!

have not had a decent night out for a long while, clouds and high wind being the main obstacles.

you can see how people can become disillusioned with the hobby, especially if they are not fortunate enough to get their astro fix on sites like this one.



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This indeed suggests our climate is getting cloudier.:D

Let's just hope we dont turn out like Venus in the future :icon_scratch:

On a serious note though, I've only been out twice since christmas and it seems that the early winter nights are just going to waste because of so much cloud..

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Starting Thursday it is forecast to be pretty clear here in Yorkshire and to last at least till Monday - thats what they say anyway - lets hope they have it right:)

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Do not feel bad about it...The time will come where we all - irrespective where we are in Europe - are going to enjoy cloudless nights; a lovely steaming cup of sleep deprivation :icon_scratch:

For me these days, I have so much to do and work on that I would struggle to find myself a time window to go out and stargaze, thus I know for sure that with the weather this cloudy, I will not get [removed word] off in case that a cloudless night comes by and I wouldn't be able to attend it and try out my new 12" dobsonian.

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this time of year is very unsettled

That made me laugh as things are very settled down here in Wales. Cloud. Just one big one from horizon to horizon. :icon_scratch:

Here in Swansea it's been pretty grey since early summer last year. The last longish period of sunshine we had was before the summer solstice, and since then it's been predominantly cloudy. No huge amounts of rain (until December) just lots of cloud, lower summer temperatures and higher winter temperatures than normal.

I haven't been out with my scope since December 3rd, and I've only knowingly missed two clear evenings.

Still, these things normally average out....

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I never used to pay any attention to he weather untill I started this hobby this time last year. Seems all I ever see when I look out the window is clouds and it's majorly annoying!! One good thing from it is that it makes the clear nights more special and you get to appreciate them more.

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Looking back at 2011 (starting at summer) before i got my scope, i remember many a time i'd sit on the doorstep and have a smoke staring at the sky and it was always clear...i'd have my google sky map out on my phone be pointing it hear there and everywhere, watching out for jupiter and seeing the constelations shift around the pole night by night.....It just always seemed to be clear.

Then my partner buys me a telescope and all we get is cloud haha...

Sent from a Galaxy S 2 far away.

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