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Red Light Torch DIY!

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Just thought I would save people some money by sharing my way of making a red light torch.

Go to ASDA/Tesco and buy a £1-£2 torch, then buy the cheapest RED nail varnish you can find. Paint the nail varnish on the glass bit of the torch (give it a few coats 3 should do it.) Let it dry and then turn the torch on. Hey presto you now have a red light torch that preserves night vision for under £5


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I may sound quite niave but are you guys all being serious?

Absolutely serious. When I am setting up my telescope outside I find the now red light on the powerpack really useful. By making the light shine red by using the sweet wrappers I can find all my bits and bobs without ruining my night vision. The more wrappers, the dimmer the light ... perfect.

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You can get a head torch with Red LEDs at Go Outdoors for about £4.

Worth noting though, especially at star parties, that those bright LEDs aren't really suitable, and can still diminish night vision, especially other peoples.

I watched with interest (being solely an imager with a well lit warm room :p ) as 'proper' astronomers used a red torch you could hardly see by to read their star charts.

You can actually make quite a decent red light torch with a mini Maglite, simply swap the LED in it for a red one, saves using the red filter which comes off with the rubber end I found.



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mine cost me nothing :p had a crappy lil torch lying around my house and painted the plastic with my wife's red nail varnish from a sex and the city set she got the christmas before haha. painted 3coats on front and two on the back. i can see my star chart and noted easy with it and it doesnt affect my night vision. simples.

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Absolutely serious. When I am setting up my telescope outside I find the now red light on the powerpack really useful. By making the light shine red by using the sweet wrappers I can find all my bits and bobs without ruining my night vision. The more wrappers, the dimmer the light ... perfect.

and as a bonus you get to eat the sweets :p

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I started eating Quality Street and saved the wrappers...my dog ate them, so maybe I will just buy a Red Torch.

He also ate or at least tried to eat a water expansion bottle I was going to use as a small fuel tank to ballance my carbs on my GPZ.

But the nasty varmint also ate a box of Glenfiddich Chocolate Truffles my daughter bought me for Christmas....anyone want a dog ?


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Or you could use a red sweet wrapper instead, that would save you going down to the shop and getting funny looks because you're a bloke buying nail varnish :p


A Red sweet wrapper? Buy the whole tin....

At least you can munch on the sweets, become a fat knacker in the process and enjoy yourself.

Grrr, I love the smell of acetone based paints though (nail varnish included)

So cheapo torch £0.50 and an after Xmas bucket of sweets, £5

Call it £6 - big grin factor


Get the ones with strawberry & orange centres; they count for the 5 a day in my books.

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You all do realise, of course, by this very imaginative DIY of red lights that you are taking the bread out of the mouths of the Astronomy retailers who are trying to earn a meager crust during these very hard times, we could end up being flooded with unused red torches, something els the European Common Market will no doubt have to legislate for, he he he :p Happy New Year everyone :icon_salut:

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You all do realise, of course, by this very imaginative DIY of red lights that you are taking the bread out of the mouths of the Astronomy retailers who are trying to earn a meager crust during these very hard times, we could end up being flooded with unused red torches, something els the European Common Market will no doubt have to legislate for, he he he :p Happy New Year everyone :confused:

The less they sell the cheaper the prices meaning cheaper red light torches for everyone. Queue the Revouloution Brothers!!! :icon_salut:

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