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Hello from new member


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Hi All,

I've taken the leap and finally ordered my first telescope.

I cannot tell you how useful these forums have been over the last few weeks. I've spent hours poring over websites and looking at gear.

This all started when I spotted a Newtonian Reflector for sale in Currys/PCWorld (Celestron Astromaster 130mm) which seemed a steal for £150. I remembered never having the cash to buy a starter telescope as a teenager and decided to look into getting started now (better late then never).

Anyway, I didn't get the £150 scope but went for a Skywatcher Explorer 150P from First Light Optics. The Celestron looked alright but the motor drive etc that came with it seemed pretty poor and I figure I'll be better off initially without any motors learning the skies myself before buying decent mounts etc later.

Sad as it is, I'm sitting here refreshing the order page from FLO to see when it will arrive and I can get started.

I'll be observing from a balcony in central Cambridge which is fairly light-polluted. I've also only got about 50% of the sky available from my location.

I'm worried I won't be able to see much from here, but initial reccy's out in the cold last night seemed to indicate I'd at least be able to polar align and get started.

Anyway, thanks for all the useful tips and tips I've already found on SGL that helped me make my choice. Apologies in advance for all the inane and foolish questions that will pour out of me over the next few months.

Thanks Again,


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