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A quick Andromeda on the reduced WO66


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and to think I was just thinking of selling my WO66 'guide scope' now we've gone with an OAG!

Super capture!

This was a WO66 with 0.8 focal reducer WO Flattener II and OAG with the QHY9.

About 310mm FL and F4.7 after the reducer.

Keep the scope, they are getting rarer and sought after.

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I have to admit I probably don't give it the credit it's due as it was basically thrown in as a deal breaker when we got the 132....I did try to attach my DSLR to it a while back but the focuser was just to weak...maybe I should treat it to a 2" moonlight and make a nice little widefield?

But then maybe it's another reason to look at moving to CCD...I'm loving the colour you've picked out with the filters...sorely tempted indeed!

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....i feel well and truely chastised!

might have to try to aquire a type II reducer to boot!

I wonder if I could use my lodestar in lieu of a proper ccd cam whilst I save the pennies


PS...am looking forward to seeing how the sisters turnout

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