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Speers-WALER eyepieces


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My first 82-degree EP is heading my way... a somewhat weatherbeaten old 10mm Speer-WALER. Of course I am very excited... everything I have ever read about these eyepieces suggests they are exceptional. I've read for example that they are nearly the equal of Naglers, not that I believe that.

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Got a 5mm one somewhere, had it over a year now and never used it. Actually lost it in the general mess for about 6 months, saw it a week ago and cannot find it again.

I got it new and immensly cheap, the store didn't have the eyepiece I wanted, gave me the SpW at the same price and as they were stock taking I got the lot at cost price to them, a very good deal. I left the store quick in case they changed their mind.

Wonder where it is now?

It is big enough that losing it is difficult, but I can do it.

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If the EP is too much bother Capricorn, I can take it off your hands for you. I won't charge much, just the postage, and of course for the storage space in my eyepiece case... :-)

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It comes with it's own case, won't need to rent yours.

I wanted 3 Antares W70's. They had 2 and not the 5mm, so they gave me the SpW at the same cost.

I got all 3 for less then the price of the SpW.

I then went and bought the "missing" Antares W70 here in the UK. Those 3 are in an eyepiece case and the SpW is somewhere, just not 100% sure where. It is safe inside one of the plastic screw tubes they come with. With the receipt as well.

Shouldn't complain, bought an Ortho off of someone 3 years ago, never seen that either for nearly 3 years. The eyecup that came with it is on a table but not seen the eyepiece.

I need a big, very big, eyepiece storage something or other.

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I think you will find the Speers-WALER very different (in a good way) from the Antares W70's, especially if you are using them in a scope faster than around F/7.

The only issue (apart from their physical size) with the SW's is that some of them need a lot of inward focuser travel to reach focus and some scopes struggle with this.

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I think you'll like it.

Had the 10 and 7.5mm. My eyepiece case was overflowing so they were sold on, as the 7.5mm at the time got little use on the scopes I had and I also had(and still have) a Nikon 10mm, which is a great eyepiece, so one had to go.

I have 5-8mm zoom, which is fantastic. Recently got an adapter for it to turn it into a 3-4.8mm for use in my lower FL scope.

Great range which is good value for money but not widely talked about.


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Bargain eyepieces the Speers-walers. I have been using a 2nd hand 14mm series one that I bought from Russ last year in my F/6 dob and it produces very good, wide views for the price I paid. Aside from a few paint flecks on the internal lens surfaces (which I have heard mentioned in previous reviews of the S1) it is in rather good nick for its ages after quite a bit of use. I wouldn't hesitate in getting the 5-8mm zoom if I had the money for high power observing as I have heard good things about it.

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I'm thinking of getting an OO F5 newt next year, and the SpW 10mm will give a 1 degree FOV in that scope, so it would be my main DSO and whole moon eyepiece.

I don't know how I will get on with an 82 degree EP so I am glad I am finding out with a cheap second hand one.

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My speer waler has arrived. I must say it is much smaller than I thought it would be - perhaps I am just used to my big hyperions. It feels very solid and does indeed have the internal rattle the seller warned about. Hopefully the cloud will clear in the next few days and I can test it on Jupiter. Eye relief seems quite tight.

I'm surprised by how plain the EP is - just a tube with glass inside, none of the styling you normally see on an EP...

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Thats interesting - the SW's I've seen have been rather tall distinctive looking eyepieces with long rubber grips on them. The early ones had reddish / orange engraving on a black body wheras the newer ones use the metallic tone that the W70's use with black screen printed lettering but retain the long rubber grip :D

These are the early types. The 10mm is 2nd from the left:


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From what I remember the 10mm was fine, focus range wise, the 7.5mm needs about 3mm extra in focus.

The zoom needs 7mm more infocus at the 8mm setting and 10mm at the 5mm setting. All used with a low profile(4mm extra height) 2"-1.25" adapter.

I think the higher you went in the FL, the more infocus was needed. If memory serves, the 18mm was horrifically bad at over 15mm.


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Just to join in this thread, i've just got a new Antares II Speers Waler Zoom 5-8mm, so am looking forward to trying it out when the clouds clear...grrr!:)

Also sent for the adapter thingy that AndyH found out about which can turn it into a 3.12-5mm zoom!!;)

If all goes well and it blows me away there will be three of my other ep's for sale very soon i.e. the 4, 5 and 6mm ones!!:)


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