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Finally got to use my telescope

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Hi all,

Just a quick update, I received a new diagonal for my Vixen custom 90 yesterday and also purchased a new Meade eye piece (14mm) from the guys at Green Witch.

Just a quick word here about Green Witch if I may, Just wanted to say a massive thanks to them for all there help in regards to getting started and also advising best steps going forward, also for setting up the solar telescope just so me and my daughter could take a peek. Way above and beyond if you ask me, so good job guys.

Anyway back to last night, so I sat in the early hours of the evening thinking damn this cloud will not shift I bet. I had waited nearly 4 weeks to be in a position to finally see through my telescope and I knew sods law could be a fickle mistress. Alas the cloud cleared around 10pm, and WOW it was clear (I presume after all the rain).

So I made sure my finder scope was in-line with the telescope and then pointed it towards the heavens with baited breath.

I will gloss over the hour spent looking at blurry objects and head scratching thinking to myself what am I doing wrong.

To be honest with you I would have still been happy with just looking at blurry objects as it had seemed like a eternity just to get to this point.

After finding out by trail and error how to move/focus the telescope I turned to the main event of my evening.

I slewed the scope around to Jupiter.

All I can say is OMG!!!

Now I had steeled myself to not be disappointed in what I would see, hearing that some new comers are under whelmed by the imagine that confronts them.

Was I under whelmed?

Errr........no and in fact, and this is the gods honest truth, after seeing Jupiter and 3 of the Galilean moons for the first time, my breath caught in my throat and I found myself looking around my dark garden suspecting I had been the culprit of a elaborate practical joke and someone had stealthily slipped a picture on the end of my telescope.

I never imagined that I would on my first night see Jupiter so clear and with so much detail.

I watched for along long time, clumsily trying to track the Planet as it moved along.

I went to bed smiling to myself, I awoke early (for the rugby :) )

smiling and I`am still smiling now. My wife thinks I have lost my marbles but I think I have just found them!

I could continue to rant for quite awhile so I will cut it short here. Just thought I would share my first step into Astronomy with you guys and take this opportunity to thank all of you for the help and advice I have received so far.

That just leaves me with one more question........

Astronomy where have you been all my life.



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Hi all,

Just a quick update, I received a new diagonal for my Vixen custom 90 yesterday and also purchased a new Meade eye piece (14mm) from the guys at Green Witch.

Just a quick word here about Green Witch if I may, Just wanted to say a massive thanks to them for all there help in regards to getting started and also advising best steps going forward, also for setting up the solar telescope just so me and my daughter could take a peek. Way above and beyond if you ask me, so good job guys.

Anyway back to last night, so I sat in the early hours of the evening thinking damn this cloud will not shift I bet. I had waited nearly 4 weeks to be in a position to finally see through my telescope and I knew sods law could be a fickle mistress. Alas the cloud cleared around 10pm, and WOW it was clear (I presume after all the rain).

So I made sure my finder scope was in-line with the telescope and then pointed it towards the heavens with baited breath.

I will gloss over the hour spent looking at blurry objects and head scratching thinking to myself what am I doing wrong.

To be honest with you I would have still been happy with just looking at blurry objects as it had seemed like a eternity just to get to this point.

After finding out by trail and error how to move/focus the telescope I turned to the main event of my evening.

I slewed the scope around to Jupiter.

All I can say is OMG!!!

Now I had steeled myself to not be disappointed in what I would see, hearing that some new comers are under whelmed by the imagine that confronts them.

Was I under whelmed?

Errr........no and in fact, and this is the gods honest truth, after seeing Jupiter and 3 of the Galilean moons for the first time, my breath caught in my throat and I found myself looking around my dark garden suspecting I had been the culprit of a elaborate practical joke and someone had stealthily slipped a picture on the end of my telescope.

I never imagined that I would on my first night see Jupiter so clear and with so much detail.

I watched for along long time, clumsily trying to track the Planet as it moved along.

I went to bed smiling to myself, I awoke early (for the rugby :) )

smiling and I`am still smiling now. My wife thinks I have lost my marbles but I think I have just found them!

I could continue to rant for quite awhile so I will cut it short here. Just thought I would share my first step into Astronomy with you guys and take this opportunity to thank all of you for the help and advice I have received so far.

That just leaves me with one more question........

Astronomy where have you been all my life.



Fantastic post.Im still at the not even got a scope yet stage,but im looking forward to euphoria you felt.Totally understand how you feel.Well done:icon_salut::)
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Hi all,

I went to bed smiling to myself, I awoke early (for the rugby :) )

smiling and I`am still smiling now.


I got up at 4am to watch the game, and was wondering if I'd be tempted outside if it was clear.

Luckily it was torrential rain!

Problem is, I might be to tired to stay up tonight and peer between the clouds.

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Hi West, that was the moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto you saw, Io is hidden at the moment by Jupiter itself. Well done for seeing this fantastic sight, it's what makes astronomy worthwhile.

Thanks, I was wondering what moons they actually were.

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Hi West,

Great write up, it makes me think of all the exciting nights that this amazing hobby has given me, those staggering moments, when you can hardly believe what you are seeing!

Astronomy where have you been all my life.

Ditto! I've also missed many years of the awesome Sir Patrick Moore, which for me is almost as bad as the missed astronomy! But feel so lucky to have found this amazing hobby.

Wishing you many more great nights under the stars!


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