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Mosaic Finished


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A mosaic comprising of 20 panels of 10 x 20 min exposures in Ha each.

ED80 & QHY9 on a NEQ6 mount.

Stacked in DSS processed in Pixinsight, Photoshop merged in ICE

This started out because the moon was full and I couldnt do RGB, so I went for an Ha target - 4 full moons later here we are!!

I started with 3 individual images, the Bubble, Cave, and Wizard, looking at planetarium software I realised that they could be joined as they were close(ish) to each other, so began the epic mosaic.


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Fantastic work,:) I would love to see the full size image, do you have it uploaded somewhere?

Hope you don't mind me saying but the second panel in bottom left looks like it could do with a tweak.

Congrats on seeing it through to the end, it was well worth the effort.:)


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I dont think it will stand up to scrutiny at full resolution, there are some dodgy frames in there!! Some of them were shot under less than ideal conditions just to get it finished.:)

To go back and re-shoot them would be a pain, I might do it one day but not to soon!

Anyway I can't do them now, the CCD packed up just after I finished last night, so for a while I'm stuffed!:)

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It's a fantastic image, not just because of the work, scale and accomplishment but because the composition is so beautiful. The whole mass of nebulosity hangs together perfectly. I haven't seen this composition before but it couldn't be better.

The final tweaks were worth it.


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