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suggestions for sites


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hello guys thanks for giving me the rough locations where every one is, the map is really useful

i thought id start this thread, as we currently have 2 sites earmarked as "local" but really another one or 2 might be good also

any suggestions / discussions of any other sites :) post a google maps coordinates (right click on the site on google maps, and then whats here, it will give u the coordinates)

i'll give them a check see what the views are and post pictures (day / night)

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Do you want me to contact the Penallta Park people Gaz? (I'm happy to do so!) I was wondering if they'd give us access to their little field centre too - that would be good if the weather was iffy (and they have toilets too!)


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OK I spoke to the guys at Caerphilly about Penallta. There's good news and bad news.... The good news is that they don't lock the gates so we can use it whenever we want :). The bad news is that they don't lock the gates so all the locals can also use it whenever they want to 'hang out' :). I'll do a reccie one night and see how it looks!

On a positive note though, the guy said that if we were only doing it occasionally then they could man the field centre (out of hours) so that we could use it for a warm and use the toilets :(. Caerphilly CBC are very good at events and activities, so maybe there's an opportunity for us to do an outreach session if there's something good to view.


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thats really good news helen :) i might give it a little recon as well take some pics on what to expect :)

for outreach we might have to check about public liability insurence..... which i dont know how we would go about it or cost, but the idea for it is there and thats great :( thanks for checking for us helen :mad: your a star!

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  • 2 weeks later...

How far afield are people willing to go? For really dark skies I know of a perfect site which I pass through when cycling in the Usk Resevoir area. Road access is superb, its a dead end so there will be no traffic, there's a lot of space for parking and setting up and excellent 360 degree views of big skies. It is quite exposed though so wind may be a problem. Its just over an hours drive from cardiff so not as far as it looks, although there would have to be good odds on clear skies because of the extra distance involved. Here's the co-ordinates :


Also, as another option, the Usk Resevoir itself would be ideal and its less exposed :


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No, not the Wentwood Reservoir. The Usk Reservoir is near the little village of Trecastle which is not far from the Brecon Beacons visitor centre at Libanus. (I don't know why its called the Usk Resevoir because its not near Usk which is odd).

I'm guessing it'll be too far for the regular meets, but I'm hoping conditions will fall right on a weekend some time to give it a go - anyone that's interested is welcome to come along :-)

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  • 6 months later...

Not far from where I live is a nice flat area called Penallta. I've never been there at night but I think it might worth checking out. Problem is I'm not sure if it's open at night. Still, thought I'd share the location with the group. :)

penallta park - Google Maps

P.S Google maps shows 3 locations but the place I'm talking about is (A) with the mound that looks like a pony.

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Hi Anthony -strangely enough I thought of the same place myself when I first joined the group- its less than a mile away from me. I went there on my own one evening in January to check how suitable it would be but the orange glow is not good (it was cloudy in fairness) and even worse it seems to be the hang out for the local teen car fraternity. I did think at one time it could be my local observing spot but sorry to say I would not venture there on my own and I would not like to invite frends there in the night either - just my two bobs worth.

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No suitable access at the reservoir visited Twmbarlwm too, there is an open aspect below the tump

It does apparently get some evening activity, but as a group it should be ok, the road access to it is around 2.5 miles of single track mountain road with few passing places

Intend to check out a site at Rudry which looks promising

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when we were looking for sites we were considering usig it as it does have toilate facilities and one of our members is friends with the council to let us use it, but as steve mentioned it does suffer with alot of LP which is a real shame to be honest as it would av been perfect otherwise

keep the ideas coming though (i resurected a old idea thread i had a while ago) :)


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Hi Helen

I have posted a reply to the Pant y eos thread regarding possible new sites and was going to post in this one with details of Rudry and another, is this where we should post it or is there another new sites thread

Don't want to clutter the thread



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This thread is a little messy because of the merging, so once everyone has found where their post has ended up (after the 2 days when its on redirect) I'll delete the 'where should I put this' threads and tidy up a bit. <remind me if I forget!>


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