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I don't know how many of you watch BBC Breakfast, or how many of you longer serving members were, already were " In the know" so to speak.

I Also realise that in the current technology environment ( Arab spring), a lot of secrets are being exposed and communicated quickly

However, the BBC either dropped the biggest bombshell the world has ever seen, or its some kind of hoax ( I have checked and its NOT April 1st).

This morning, just before 8.00 AM, one of the reporters did a piece on the new supernova.

Nothing particularly exciting about that, until....

The reporter had a tame astrophysicist on hand and was obviously excited as he had just been let into THE SECRET.

He claims that the pretty Astrophysicist told him that all the cars , motorbikes, washing machines, computers etc etc , were made in the remnants of supernovas, just like the one that went bang last week.

This creates more questions than it answers really..

How does the star get the paint so smooth, and not on the windows of my Passat?

How do they get delivered to earth, is that really what the shuttle was for , and do these space deliveries explain the many UFO sightings.

This also cascades into politics, and the labour issues of factories, trades unions etc, as clearly the stuff isnt made in factories, as we have been led to believe; its made in these supernovae.

Also the colossal distances involved may go some way to explain how we started off with model T Fords, from one supernova, and then got Ferraris from a closer supernova.

I expect a huge financial meltdown when this gets out on twitter ( it may well already be out there), so I sold all my shares this morning, I suggest you all do the same.

I have typed this in haste, to make sure you guys are all up to speed, so sorry for any typos.

Goodness knows where this will all end?:)

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The reporter had a tame astrophysicist on hand and was obviously excited as he had just been let into THE SECRET.

He claims that the pretty Astrophysicist told him that all the cars , motorbikes, washing machines, computers etc etc , were made in the remnants of supernovas, just like the one that went bang last week.

This creates more questions than it answers really..

How does the star get the paint so smooth, and not on the windows of my Passat?

that made me physically Laugh Out Loud

Nice one !!! :)

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Well as the initial universe was hydrogen and possinly a little helium where do you think that all the heavier elements came from?

Learn a little nuclear fusion and the stellar evolution and what happens.

Sorry, but what was said is correct, it is something called ASTRONOMY, all those heavy element that make up motor bike, washing machine and the whole assortment of people on this planet came from a supernova.

She's right.

No supernove = no bike, car, paint, washing machine, humans, planets.

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As anyone who might have seen this "NEWS" report this morning. It was quite awful! Talk about raise people's expectations high to look out for the supernova (And them observing with binoculars with the lights of the observatory on). I think most people will be a tad disappointed if they did try and find it with their binoculars.

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Apologies to anyone who didn't realise this was a joke post.

From my astrophysics ( not astronomy) degree, I recall that its only the elements heavier than Iron that are created in supernovae type 1a, the elements from Helium to Iron are created in ordinary stars.

Enjoy watching it.



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Apart from Fiats and Metro's, which were made from something which decayed far faster than cheese!

Indeed. Probably some short lived unstable isotope.

However, electronics are the new rust. All these wretched sensors and control boxes cost tuppence at the factory in China, sixpence at the car manufacture stage and two thousand pounds at the spares counter. GRRRR!!!!


PS The Dolomite (remember those) might have decayed faster than a Metro?)

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