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Lightning, Belgium 23/08/11

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I captured these last night and I'm quite impressed by some of them. They were taken through my kitchen door. I have selected the ones I feel are the best but if you want to see all the ones with lightning in them click the link to the album at the bottom.

We had storms all night long and then a huge one has just gone through this morning turning day to night with big hail. Hopefully it's not a repeat of the fatal storm here last week but it closed the airport down and there has been some flooding. Storm warnings are continuing to 8 tonight.

I love storms but not at the risk of people safety.






ImageShack Album - 21 images

P.S I hope I can post these here, feel free to move if neccessary :)

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Thanks :)

I got to be honest though I had a little help from a lightning trigger, as you can see it works wonders. Although the lightning rate was pretty high so I reckon that you could of had some success manually too.

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Lovely images, I just wish we had a bit more lightning up here so I could get some images of it.

You had quite a storm down there last night and I see on my weather gadgets that it's still going now but has moved east over the Netherlands and into Northern Germany.

Which lightning trigger are you using?

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Yeah it was an impressive night and morning, shame I slept through some of it but I had to go to bed. We had about 12 hours of lightning and like you said it has just cleared now, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Although more may form later in the day.

I'm using a Patchmaster, I know on other forums there has been skepticism of it but thats just people being picky and probably the competitors having their 2 cents. Clearly it's a reliable device I own two of them it was the first thing I ordered when I got my 450D.

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I'm using a Patchmaster, I know on other forums there has been skepticism of it but thats just people being picky and probably the competitors having their 2 cents. Clearly it's a reliable device I own two of them it was the first thing I ordered when I got my 450D.

Thanks for the info.

They seem a reasonable price and you've provided the proof that they work. Maybe next months gadget. :)

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Thanks guys for the comments. :icon_scratch:

They are definitely a good investment if you get the weather to use it. I have found some good locations for backgrounds which will be nicer than in my yard as long as it's not raining I guess.

The only downside I see is that in a really good storm it triggers so many shutter actions(I've had up to 1000 in one day) shooting in RAW a hassle unless you have a stack of memory cards.

Thanks for the info.

They seem a reasonable price and you've provided the proof that they work. Maybe next months gadget. :)

The price and the positive reviews are what sold me, people seem put off as the guy operates from Turkey but don't let that put you off. Postage was free and both times it arrived in two days.

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Pic #4 is a real cracker - I like the different colours in the lightning :)

I think that one and the last one are my two favourites. The colours are nice.

I haven't tried processing any of the pics either, I might give that a try and see if it's worth it.

We had a great storm on Thursday night, it kept interupting my comet hunt with its flashes. I eventually went up to the helideck and was able to catch this beauty! If I may be so bold as to leap onto your thread:

No worries, that's a great shot. :icon_scratch:

I love those storms that are off in the distance. Although I'm not sure I'd want to be out on deck if it got much closer.

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Beautiful lightnings strikes Pibbles. It seems like I should move further south to catch some more lightnings. Unfortuneatly there is not much lightning where i live. I also have a Patchmaster it worked the first few times when i used a Flash to test it, but now it just triggers once and keeps taking pictures forever, I will probably have to open it up and se what is going on.

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Thanks all :rolleyes:

We have more storms forecast for tomorrow although I doubt it will be the same results, getting 20 pics in one session my record so far but that storm was right on top of us which helped.

@MrJulius, I would send an e-mail to patchmaster before opening it up, you never know they may replace it or something like that.

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