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Hello from Edinburgh


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Hi Steve and welcome - Very frustrating for you I'm sure - but just imagine what's in store for you when you finally get a scope - meanwhile, as has been mentioned, a local astro club could be an option and even a modest set of bins can open upa new world - good luck and enjoy!

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Hi Smmod and welcome to the forum

Not a problem waiting a while as I imagine you will change your mind on kit several times. :smiley: The other thing is that it is better to save for what you want rather than go down the route of buying and reselling - waste too much money that way. Plenty to read up on and to get your head round, none of it is difficult its just that there is plenty of it!:)

Clear skies


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Hi Smmod and welcome.

As Steve says there's a gang of us in your neck of the woods who head out when the skies are clear and dark and you are more than welcome to join us.

I'm a relatively new member and I have had nothing but warm hospitality and support from everyone and there is a wealth of kit and experience that people will be happy to share.



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Welcome, Smood! I am sure that you will be able to pick up a good used pair of 7X50 porro prism binocs one of these days soon, and until you do, just learning a few of the basic major constellations as the seasons change will get you off to a good start. If you can find star parties around "Edinburra" you will find the astronomers there are happy to share their views of the skies with the public. SGL is one of the best sites around, which is why I am here!

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Hi all, thanks again for all the warm welcomes..


Lots of wise tips for me

As far as saving and carefully selecting my first purchase the general view is one i tend to lean towards -

- dont rush into a purchase and

-'try before i buy'

I reckon i'll hang around and bide my time till darker months when i'll be able to meet up and check out the funky contraptions 1st hand.

I certainly dont have any reason not to -

-i've been kindly invited more than once on my very first thread.

The size doesnt really faze me although i defo see why we need to be realistic about it for regular use, transport, weight and setup time etc..

Another thing, i want to use this saving up time wisely so that i dont have to change my equipment.

Im not one for spending money again and again on upgrades.

Buy once and selectively i think

(i hope..!)

Though no doubt i'll end up being fussy about something or other and want to change.

Peace x


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I'm exactly the same, mate which is why I've got a EQ6 pro Syntrek under a six inch scope and don't have any decent eyepieces. I can't afford the optics to go with it but the mount I had was doing my nut. It's the right move for me since I don't have a great deal of disposable income so one big upgrade is better than stages of upgrade - even if it did give me sore bum cheeks last monday after carrying it out the night before.

I don't have a car so it's only going as car as the patio, hence mahoosive. Where you're likely to take it also affect what you buy.

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