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heads up any good? - refractor

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Celestron PowerSeeker 50 Telescope | Binoculars and Telescopes | ASDA direct

as currently a newt boy who hasnt got a clue about refractors (i have a travelscope mind) im not sure about the quality of it but if anyone knows anything about refractors could anyone give a opinion, quite fancy adding a refractor to my range of cheap scopes also nice to have something i could throw into the boot of the car for a quick grab and go.

Thanks Gaz

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I'd give it a miss... and in fact, I'd give the zoom bino's a miss too.

If you want a decent little scope, that will fit in a maplins flight case, along with diagonal, ep's finder etc, and not be too expensive... then get an ST80... mount it on a camera tripod, and lovely widefield views away from home. That's what I do.

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I'd give it a miss... and in fact, I'd give the zoom bino's a miss too.

If you want a decent little scope, that will fit in a maplins flight case, along with diagonal, ep's finder etc, and not be too expensive... then get an ST80... mount it on a camera tripod, and lovely widefield views away from home. That's what I do.

The advice was for 7x50 or 10x50 bino's not zoom ones :D

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The problem with refractors is the possible false colour that is generated by the objective lens. Refractor's weakness is potentially the inability of bringing together red and blue light. This can be solved expensively by three lenses (triplet) or by two lenses (doublet) if the tube is long enough in relation to the size of the objective (focal ratio). Suffice to say, it is likely that there will be better value in the binos to be honest.

The scope would be great for small children especially for looking at the moon which is easy to find and great to view, whilst dad with his scope makes yet another vain attempt at three star alignment! :D:D


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50mm is too small an aperture for astronomical telescopes. Simply not enough light being collected to make the magnification useful. It is a good aperture for binoculars which are not trying to magnify much.

Small scopes can do widefield well so go for a short focal length. The ST80 is a good, honest little scope as mentioned above.


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in my local currys / pcworld they have the celestrons built up, perhaps seeing if u could view them (id imagine their there) ok not much to see in there but could test

they do have fringeing (even my skytravel 102 got it) ASDA does offer its 21days money back garruntee and u can take it back to store with ur online recete (as asda direct offer a pick at store option) so maybe giving that a go wont hurt

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I notice you already have the Celestron Travelscope 70, so there really is no point in getting the 50mm scope. I have the 70 and its tiny, also quite a nice widefield scope to leave in the car.

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to be fair of asda though, when u do buy ANYTHING from them and arnt happy they will replace it or refund you straight away

i did a search and found these which also sell the scope

Play.com - Buy Celestron Powerseeker 50mm Telescope online at Play.com and read reviews. Free delivery to UK and Europe!

Celestron PowerSeeker 50 Telescope: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics

Celestron PowerSeeker 50 AZ Telescope at Optical-Systems.co.uk

celestron powerseeker 50 | eBay UK

for peice of mind if u do find its a rubbish scope then u can always take it back...... personally the ST80 would probally be a better scope and you do see it quite frequently cheap and S/H on here and ebay and Astro buy n sell

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