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Rogers dome progress


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Well progress is slow, this of course is due to the weather , but now i have the base done ,had to move a few things to allow room for the 2.5 metre base to be laid, this as you can see is now complete , at 2.5 meters by 6 inches deep, solid enough i would think .

Still another 6 weeks to go before the dome arrives , unless i,m lucky and it comes earlier , !!hope so!!but at least a good time for it all to harden off,

Also progress in the Pier,as you can see have the pier post itself all prepared, base plate drilled ,and the top section plates ready for completion, the base plate is now mig welded,so this pic is a little behind, next week hopefully get the top section sorted out , will supply more pics as i go along, the Dome will run along side of my other Observatory, so may have two going at the same time .

equipment wise i have started to purchase some more things ,starting off with an Antares illuminated Recticle, this is of course for assisting once everything is in place for drift aligning ,final Purchase will be a guiding system Bern and myself are working on , which i hope will be very new and very lightweight, so thats an exciting project ,anyway thats the progress so far ,



PS,, for those with keen eye,s its the fencing that is not level ,not my base heheheheheh



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Have you got a del date for it yet Roger?? I couldnt cope with all the waiting, once bought I would want it in the next day :lol: Looking good


Ps Do you need planning permission for a dome or is it considered the same as a garden shed ?

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