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Baader Astrolar Safety film - beware!

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Completed the film holder as per Baader instructions and quite proud of the finished result. On taking an inspection of the film in the holder, one of the card discs simply separated off leaving a clear film on one disc and the baader film on the othetr disc!!

Contacted the supplier who chased it up with the importer and it transpires that the film ships with a clear film protector which may influence the camera image if left in place. The instructions do not mention this clear film, neither is it obvious - otherwise I would have queried it.

The supplier, Matt of Sherwoods, is putting a replacement in the post foc. Sherwoods are usually my first port of call and have found their service, delivery, advice and p&p excellent. Highly recommended.


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The instructions do not mention this clear film, neither is it obvious

The last sheet I bought (still have it, unopened) has a "dayglo yellow" sticker on the outer plastic envelope, the text of which reads

"ATTENTION: For cutting and trimming AstroSolar Film, always keep the film enclosed between the two protective sheets of clear plastic and silk paper, to avoid scratches and fingerprints. Only use one layer of AstroSolar Film for observing the sun in front of your telescope. Dispose the clear plastic film, because only AstroSolar Film has optical quality for high magnification work."

Clear enough IMHO. Of course your supplier may be obtaining through channels which do not add the sticker.

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Hi Brianb

There were no such stickers or the advice as given as on yours otherwise I would have taken note and heeded. It does say cut the film between two sheets of paper. Maybe yours is of newer stock and the warnings posted due to earlier comments etc.

A rebuild is in the offing methinks.


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Just reading this and you now have me thinking. I had already made my holder and all that was needed was cutting when the filter got here. Arrived, opened and read the instructions, cut filter with it sandwiched between two pages, done and inserted in holder. The only pieces in the envelope were two A4 covers, the filter and an A4 piece of tracing paper, no sticker or clear film. Have already used the fliter in anger and have found no problems, have been so happy with it that I am going to cover my specs with some ;)


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Pretty sure mine didn't have any clear film either. Put the SafetyFilm between two pieces of printer paper and cut a square for the front of my 5" Newt. The rest is still between the two pieces of paper and there is no clear film. I've used a shadow method for roughly lining up the scope with the sun with the finderscope capped so haven't used the extra yet.

Excellent stuff - very pleased with mine ;)

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For my filter holder I rummaged round the kitchen and found a plastic container which was slightly bigger than the OTA hood and 4/5 inches in depth, cut the bottom out slightly smaller then the hood, put that packing you get for camera cases, grey sponge and placed it round the inside. Cut a plastic ring to fit inside the container, cut the filter to the size of the ring, fitted the filter so sandwiched between container and ring and then hot glued it all in and fits the OTA perfect.

I have loads spare so have sent away for 3D specs, the cardboard ones and will cut pieces out to replace the colour lemses, can then put specs on and look up to see where sun is, will also do some for the finder, all in all a few £ well spent ;).


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I've had a couple of baader safety films from Sherwood's and both had the day glow stickers on. You must have been one of the unlucky ones Oldgit.

I found it fairly difficult to separate the protective film from the safety film last time I used it so you may want to double check Gina ;)

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I checked the offcut of SafetyFilm and tried hard to see if I could separate a corner - I couldn't. I can't remember now what was with the SafetyFilm though - it was quite some time ago.

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I recently used this for my own solar filter. After fixing to the 2nd cardboard disk I was shocked to find the 2 disks still separate, nearly dropping the one with the film. All that happend was the 'protective film' only had stuck. 2nd attempt (with protective film now removed) was successful. Mine definately had no sticker and was purchased about a month ago from FLO. As you state beware of this one - that's two of us now.

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Now why didn't I find this thread before, I wouldn't have started a new one.

I had a similar experience just yesterday - the two rings fell apart, film on one side, clear sheet on the other. Had no idea the clear film was even there, I was concentrating so hard on not touching the film with bare fingers.


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Sounds like they have changed the film. The clear protective layer would seem to be a new thing, when I have bought the film in the past it definitely did NOT have a clear protective layer. So if you buy this it sounds to me like you may get...

1. Really old stock - no protective film

2. Older stock - protective film, no warning

3. New stock - protective film, and a warning sticker added after complaints!

If this is correct then resellers may want to ask Baader for extra stickers for any older stock (2.) they may have and add them.

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The Baader Solar film allows you to safely view the Sun in white light.

You will see surface details; sunspots surface granulations and the occasional brighter patchs of plage around active areas.

It will NOT allow you to see the proms or fine detail of filaments etc. This requires an expensive dedicated Ha type solar telescope.

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@twotter check the most recent post in my blog, link in my sig.

That image was taken afocal through a Celestron 127SLT with a Revelation 32mm eyepiece, its pretty indicative. Slightly out of focus.

Head to www.astroguyz.com to get a look at a load more, he takes one daily for an animation he's putting together.


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I finally rebuilt my solar filter and results as per Merlin66. I double check with SOHO who return similar results, though eat your heart out for the Xray etc images also there. A Coronado would be nice but fear for me its lottery money.

I tried my Canon 350D DSLR unmod on the star diagonal but focus was appalling - appeared to go in and out of focus but very soft image obtained. When the sun has his hat on again I'll try at prime focus on the WO80. Or is there something more basic at hand?

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Re mcrossley comments. The retailers first port of call is the importers whom I believe is David Hinds who should take it up with Baader direct. One could talk contractual law but this is not what we are here for. The product works but, heh, Baader get it right and listen.

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I am quite surprised by this thread. Both times I have bought AS film, once last year, once in 2007, I was clearly made aware of the protective film in the instructions. I wonder why Baader might have omitted this information...


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  • 3 years later...

I know this is a very old topic, but I got some film delivered at the weeke3nd from Telescope House and there is a clear plastic protective film but NO mention of it anywhere in the instructions or any warning stickers.

I only realised it was there when I couldn't work out why the film wasn't sticking to my double sided sticky tape.

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