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M82 from last night.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Exactly the same setup as M81, in fact this was accidental. When the clouds arrived the guiding went haywire so I was watching the zigzagged frames whilst eating dinner. By the time dinner was over the guide camera had found a star to guide on and the 'scope settled. This is the result, M82, not very well framed and only 5 good subs. After I went down to the shed, the clouds had got too bad so I couldn't get any more. Still, it's not bad for accidental.


Click for a bigger one.

Captain Chaos

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And people say this imaging lark is difficult..quote "it was cloudy outside so i was inside eating my dinner" or something like that :lol:....

Right, my scope is outside with its dust cap and all weather cover on....intermittent cloud and the dinner is in the oven.....watch this space

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