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Observatory Build Underway


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Hi Kevin,

I'm off to wickes tomorrow to get some paint... I know that most people pain their rooms black, but I want something a bit lighter, probably a pale green or something similar :)

Sounds like great progress. It'll be a shame when the project ends in a way, as it's been great watching it evolve.

re: Paint colour. I remember seeing Paul-C's obsy (the thread seems to have vanished these days) but that was painted in a mid-blue. That looked really cool. I hate black as an obsy colour so pleased you're not choosing that.

You could always try Purple, to match the mount! :)

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LOL - now there's a thought... we have some deep lilac left over from when we decorated the girls room :)

Well there you go! All in perfect harmony. Sorted!

Ta for the scroll bars, I'll have another butchers.

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Little update:

Last Monday we had our back door replaced and I asked the chap to leave behind the sealed glazing units as I wanted to re-cycle them :hello2:

Last night the warm room had two coats of paint, purple was a bit too much, so I opted for a light pale green. Today the sliding door between the scope room and the warm room was constructed, incorporating the larger window unit from the old back door. This isn't quite finished as I still need to seal off the rollers top and bottom. I can then install the insulation in the dividing wall before lining it with what's left of the ply sheet. Murphy's law is that tonight looks like a good night for observing and the scope room is full of tools and ply sheet :D

The last thing I've done tonight is lay the carpet tiles and cut the skirting boards. Not sure if I'll paint them, or just give them a coat of clear varnish. The ceiling might get the same treatment... maybe.. All these sort of things can be done another time... I'm itching to get the desk unit made, scope room cleared and start actually using this observatory




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Nice work. Just done a bit of (rather less imposing!) door-slidery, myself.

Good space saver tho'! Bought some "brush seals" for the wider gaps... :D

Thinking about "widows" too now... curtains even, for solar observation? :hello2:

Edited by Macavity
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I still have the smaller sealed unit, an may end up building another door to replace the current paneled door fitted, to give some natural light so the room can be used in the day time should I want to escape from the kids :hello2: Thing is though it would be one heavy door and would require some serious hinges !

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Looking great Malcolm :hello2::icon_salut:

Do not rush to start observing!!

You will have all the time in the world when it is finally finished....:D


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Nice work. Just done a bit of (rather less imposing!) door-slidery, myself.

Good space saver tho'! Bought some "brush seals" for the wider gaps... :)

Thinking about "widows" too now... curtains even, for solar observation? :D

You don't need windows for Solar observation..I don't have any windows:)

I always think windows = easier entry for would-be thieves :hello2:


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Looking great Malcolm. Like the green, the same colour as my old DIY scope tubes! To be picky though, the walls do clash a bit with the floor; "blue and green should never be seen....", but I suppose your not planning on wearing it, so let's not quibble, eh! ;-)

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You don't need windows for Solar observation..I don't have any windows

I always think windows = easier entry for would-be thieves

Actually window in the INTERNAL door between warm room and scope. Rather handy to check if things are "falling off" or "catching on something" while imaging! <G> My main reason for the door (at the moment) is to allow focussing the sun on a screen, in the DARK. A curtain or a "nightclub panel" might be useful, after the window is installed. etc. etc. :hello2:

Aside: "Next door but two" felt I should have external windows, otherwise he "Can't see what I'm doing" (sic!). I FELT he should check out the symptoms of OCPD. LOL. We fell out later. <sigh> Give me thieves any day? [part serious] :D

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Looking great Malcolm. Like the green, the same colour as my old DIY scope tubes! To be picky though, the walls do clash a bit with the floor; "blue and green should never be seen....", but I suppose your not planning on wearing it, so let's not quibble, eh! ;-)

I could hear my mother saying exactly the same thing, but then I was given the tiles, and thought the green would come out a bit darker... Both will look totally different under red light :hello2:

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Superb job your making of this build Malcolm! I envy the warm room. Being a visual only astronomer I unfortunately have to suffer the cold along with the scope :) Good idea about the glass so you can keep an eye on the scope.

Will there be plenty of room where the scope is should you ever want for any reason to do any visual observing ?

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Tonight was the first time in the past week I've had available to continue with the project. I got home from work and fitted the insulation into the dividing wall and lined that with ply.

Then it was a tidy up and a dry fit of the mount and tube to check clearances... pleased to say that everything has worked out as planned :) (more luck than judgment !)

I'm letting the scope cool, and then will try out some polar alignment later as the clouds seem to be clearing... I'm praying I have aligned the studding up correctly and using the sun as an indication for North at midday GMT has worked :(

Here's some images





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I'm letting the scope cool, and then will try out some polar alignment later as the clouds seem to be clearing...

Spoke too soon - by the time I uploaded that post and had a cuppa the cloud has thickened... :)

Oh well, there will be other nights.

Thanks for the comments.. and I must admit the scope does look good on the mount :)

Hoping to work out the cutting list and get some contiboard cut tomorrow to make the desk and a cupboard unit. Then fit the turnbuckles to the ROR to make that secure when closed and then I can install the scope permanently and start the real fun of wiring the lot up :(

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I'm praying I have aligned the studding up correctly and using the sun as an indication for North at midday GMT has worked :(

It is quite surprising how much alt/az adjustment you can achieve from a fixed pier....:)

I had initially set my pier to magnetic north (Compass) which is about 3 degree's west of true north from my location.


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