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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Yes Phecda is clearly seen above and to the right of the flash/cloud. Had Phecda went supernova (if it was large enough) it would have been mainstream news for sure given its locality.
  2. That probably explains a lot. I am in bortle 5-6 as well.
  3. Your image of M27 is really faint for a 30 second exposure. I can see it better through the eyepiece in my scopes. When doing EAA after 6x5 second exposures I have a well formed and bright image. What is the bortle rating of your skies? IE:- how bad is the light pollution?
  4. Each has their own finder and diagonal. Finders are permanent whereas I've been known to intermix the diagonals (very rarely though).
  5. 😂🤣 You reeled me in as well.
  6. Fantastic image. I can never seem to achieve this colour with Saturn.
  7. I'm also in Oxford and with the way things are looking I'll be calling on my 80ED G&G for tonight, if at all.
  8. I used to use a pair of 17.5 Morpheus eyepieces in mine which gave great views. I found them a little bulky for my liking so changed to 18mm UFF's, again great views.
  9. Yes I would be a lot better off had i taken the plunge many telescopes ago. I have more or less come to the decision that my next scope purchase will indeed be either a Tak or a LZOS. My love of the planets is placing a 210 Mewlon top of the list. Then again I like the DZ. Oh god I'm already lost 🙄.
  10. OOPS ! I clicked on here by accident. I must leave immediately. Danger, danger ⚡💰💰.
  11. Yes I wondered why I received a notification for this.
  12. Postie delivered a 0.85x reducer/flattener today for my 120ED. Going to try this scope for some EAA as a change from my 10" dob.
  13. Can you see any difference between them optically Alan?
  14. I'll basically tackle anything mechanical and electrical but draw the line at collimating ED refractors. I know when I've reached a bridge too far for my skills.
  15. I've already stated that dobsonians are capable for viewing faint DSO's. I view them frequently. As already mentioned there are so many variables that will have an effect on viewing these. I am in bortle 5.9-6.2 depending on where I look up. I get amazing views of M13 both with my 10" dob and 180 Mak. They both show great detail with the propeller easily seen. I actually like hunting down the faint galaxies. I also do enjoy using the dob for EAA to really bring them to life.
  16. As soon as I get clear skies I will try and get Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the one night and maybe even have a go at Uranus. Just need the clouds to play along 🤞.
  17. I knew you were near Oxford but not by how far. So it looks like our weather will be more or less the same the majority of the time. Do you know what causes the colour differences like both of our last images? It's puzzling as everything else being unchanged yet the colours when aligned and balanced is different. Must be the sky conditions surely. The go to on the dobs makes a big difference as you said. Thanks Kostas.
  18. The best solution is the adapter highlighted by Heather @Tiny Clanger. It's the bottom link which will directly connect to your tripod and the 3/8" of the mount.
  19. Your column for dobsonian scopes needs revising. They are good for observing faint DSO's and are good for imaging all planets. They can also image DSO's if on a tracking platform although more EAA than AP.
  20. Almost identical to what I captured last week. Despite decent seeing my Jupiter was much the same colours as yours. Mars looking nice but small. December 7th Jupiter will be in opposition. Not looking good for Saturns opposition here in Oxford though.
  21. I'm afraid I'm far too lazy to do any plucking of any description. My cases came pre-plucked. One is the Baader Morpheus case and the other one is from FLO for storing eyepieces vertically. I'm sorry but I'm just far too lazy to include any photos 🙄.
  22. Good luck with your upcoming op Geoff.
  23. Aren't they the same as the Nirvana range? Sure looks like it.
  24. Very nice Kostas. I have yet to have a serious effort on Uranus. I was out a few days ago and captured Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Unfortunately the seeing was poor with a bit of interference from the Jetstream also. I had some nice detail on Mars coming through. I am hoping for a clear Jetstream free night this coming week to coincide with the opposition of Saturn. Fingers crossed 🤞.
  25. You can draw better than I can. I consider myself lucky if I can draw breath.
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