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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Yes, you as well. Just before seeing both your posts I scanned YouTube and found a video with the same problem. All is well that ends well🙂
  2. DPD dropped off an EAF auto focuser, a hand controller for the above, a temperature sensor for the focuser and an electronic filter wheel. Now to get it all fitted.
  3. Cracked it. I had removed the dummy grub screw and shone a torch down inside and rotated it to expose the two hidden grub screws. Now reversed the EAF and reattached the dual speed knobs. Thanks @symmetal just prior to your message I found a YouTube video showing this. Thank god for that.👇
  4. The primary axis is not available due to there being no way to remove the knob. Only the side with the dual speed knobs are accessible and it won’t fit over the primary collar. Surely not another purchase that has to go back?
  5. I have fitted it to the fine control axis and it’s working fine, albeit slowly. Will this work okay in the field?
  6. I have just bought an EAF auto focuser and went to fit it to my Starfield 102 but I can’t remove the knob on the rough focus side. Its got no grub screw securing it unlike the other side with the dual speed knobs. Can I just fit it to the dual speed side? It would have to be the fine focus axis due to none of the supplied fittings being large enough to slip over the normal speed collar. Why is nothing straightforward? Thanks 🙏🏻
  7. What is the largest sensor size that can be used before having to move up to 2” filters?. I have an ASI585 MC at present and was thinking about buying a camera with a larger sensor. Thanks
  8. My bad! It’s the total resistance that will half if two identical resistors are wired in parallel. They will indeed be operating at their normal rating. Sorry 😞
  9. Thanks for a year of fantastic service 👍
  10. Congratulations on acquiring this superlative telescope. It’s truly a thing of beauty 🤩
  11. Yes both are threaded, although they both have grub screws recessed inside them.
  12. I managed to squeeze in a quick hour tonight between cloud banks. I was limited to the E & SE sky so it had to be the planets. I just hurriedly grabbed my SW 127 Mak and quickly placed it on the markings for my tripod legs. I didn’t bother leveling the tripod as speed was of the essence. I also skipped the alignment procedure and just used it manually in tracking mode. Jupiter first and I was pleasantly surprised by my view. Distinct Northern equatorial bands as well as in the South. I coaxed the magnification up to 166x with my 9mm Morpheus which was the seeing limit on the Jovian giant tonight IMO. Watching the ever advancing clouds marching their way towards me, I quickly slewed over to the God of War. Once again I started with the already in the diagonal, the 9mm Morpheus. I was disappointed to see just a pinkish disc due to the fact that the sneaky high altitude clouds had beaten me to Mars😭. Oh well I said to myself, was that effort worth getting to view the one planet? You bet it was!
  13. For those folks who don’t have a 3D printer or access to one it’s a simple job to just make one up from odds and ends. 👇
  14. Hi there, I have a Starfield 102 fitted with a 0.8x reducer/flattener, guide scope, Asiair plus, filter wheel etc and have now just ordered a EAF. Does anyone know which screws I can use on the existing focuser to secure the EAF securing bracket? There’s a lot of screws on the underside of the focuser and I don’t want to botch up my focuser before even getting the EAF fitted. Photo attached 👇 Thanks in advance.
  15. Good choices, regarding the low power eyepiece I personally would go for just buying either a 32 or the 40mm. The amount of sky you will see will be virtually identical due to the limitations of them being 1.25” eyepieces.
  16. If you are going to do EEVA then try and place it somewhere sheltered if it’s windy at all, as they can suffer badly from the wind.
  17. I would go for the DX6 or the DX5 if you need to save some money for accessories. Regarding eyepieces and the zoom. Buy a good quality zoom like the Baader Hyperion Zoom 8-24mm. This at 8mm will give you approx 187x. At the other end I wouldn’t get the 32, 36 and 40mm as the 36mm could be avoided. I have a telescope with the same focal length as the DX6 which is 1500mm I believe. I have a 32mm and a 40mm eyepiece but could easily get by with just either of them. Good luck with whatever direction you go in.
  18. Carrying on with my journey into EEVA and AP, DHL delivered a 2” Optolong L-Enhance and a pack of Baader spacers to accommodate the additional 0.6mm back focus due to the width of the filter (1.8mm)
  19. They are wired in parallel and therefore divide the current causing them to be running at half of their designed heat output. False economy unless you can get by at this reduced output. If it gets really cold then turning up the controller will still equate to half power.
  20. They draw virtually the same power as the 12v dew bands.
  21. Yes that will be fine. I also use my Nevada PSU outside and like @scotty38 I keep it contained in a large Tupperware box with a secure clip lid. I wouldn’t leave it outside though and it’s easy enough to disconnect the cables and carry the box indoors.
  22. Hi 👋, a warm welcome to the lounge. I may indulge myself in one of your products and retire my sack barrow.
  23. bosun21

    new guy here

    Welcome to the lounge Ernie👋
  24. For the 12v hairdryer make sure you have a heavy enough 12v supply. Around 15A
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