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Everything posted by MalcolmM

  1. I have a couple and think they are excellent. I must admit to using them partly to keep everything Tak I think they are excellent optically, very light, short light path and I like the locking mechanism, though I try to avoid eyepieces with undercuts. Cons are they don't accept standard filters, don't accept WO GPC for binoviewing and they will not grip deep undercuts as has been mentioned. Malcolm
  2. mmmm ... bit of a squeeze! Note I have the full 60CB in. Removing it's lens cell/dew shield would give a bit of extra room.
  3. PS Sorry, just realised I did not put the Q extender in it. It would probably fit at the expense of the cradle, mount and eyepieces. I'll check and post a photo!
  4. I use this. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01MCRTITT?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title You need to separate the tube, but this takes 76DCU plus AZT6 plus cradle, diagonal and eyepieces ... just! It also fits Easy Jets free carry on. I attach a Gitzo Traveller to the exterior tripod attachments. If I use the 60CB rather than the 76 then the tripod also fits inside. That being said, the Airport Messenger @Stu has posted about looks like it can hold more but may not meet easyJet free carry on dimensions. Malcolm
  5. Twotaks this morning on the moon. Mewlon, Maxbrights and 28mm Erfles is a wonderful combination. Very relaxing viewing. Took my best yet phone moon pics, hovering the phone over one of the eyepieces. No post processing. No idea why the colour differences but very pleased regardless! Malcolm
  6. It all depends on the type of travel and how portable/small the kit needs to be. An FS60CB can get away with a very small mount and a photo tripod. The whole lot (plus diagonal and eyepieces) can fit into a small carry on bag if flying. This will do wide field and up to x150 with suitable eyepieces. The FOA is just a little shakier on the same mount/tripod combo. Of course the compromise is only 60mm instead of 100mm. But for me, I value the portability over aperture for travel. Now if you're putting it all in a backpack to hike to a dark site then extreme portability is maybe less important. Maybe what you need is 60CB, 76DCU and the Q module and ... you see how the spiral starts but you'd have all bases covered Malcolm
  7. A word of warning @Hans Joakim. I had not heard of Taks a year ago. I then joined this forum and read posts from @JeremyS @HollyHound and @Stu and now I have a whole family of Taks! Malcolm
  8. I did this exact comparison (FOA60Q and 100DC) on the moon the other morning. The 60 gave fantastic sharp contrasty views. I could have soaked them up for hours. But then I looked through the 100 and it was like 'being there'! Much more detail. Hadley was obviously there in the 60, but with the 100 it shouted out at you. That being said, they are a great pairing. If you've half an hour to spare I'll give you 100 reasons to get another Tak! But I'm very biased; I just love 'em Malcolm
  9. Perfect! Thanks very much @HollyHound Seeing as we share a taste in scopes, have you any experience with the Masuyama 85° eyepieces? I'm intrigued by them and love the fact they are relatively light. I'm wondering if a pair of 16's would work well in the Maxbrights. Apologies for going off topic! Malcolm
  10. Big favour please? Could you link to the bags you use for 60Q, 100 and Mewlon please? Thanks, Malcolm
  11. Took the FOA60Q out for a quick look at the moon this morning. The seeing was so good and steady I ran in to get 'Mummy' Tak. Here's one on the moon and the other on Castor. Malcolm
  12. A quick 15 minutes this morning after breakfast with the FS60CB and TOE2.5 on the moon. Hadley easy, small craterlet inside Plato appearing occasionally (pretty central). But the star of the show for me was an incredibly dark shadow just above Barrow A (I think!). Some other beautifully defined craters in the area too. The FS60CB provided lovely sharp contrasty views though I did notice some blue fringing on the lunar limb which I have never noticed before. Finished with a quick view of Pollux. Thought it was a double! Got mixed up with Castor! But a lovely sight. Beautiful yellow and absolutely pin prick sharp. Malcolm
  13. That's exactly what I was thinking! Lovely looking scope Malcolm
  14. Glad you got a solution! Now getting Binoviewers to focus ... that's a black art, but once you get them working the view's magic They'll give the TOEs and XWs a run for their money Malcolm
  15. Was about to say I have not been able to use more than x150 on the moon recently, but actually I have not even seen the moon recently! Nice report. I enjoy observing at that lunar phase. No idea why, but I find the area around Grimaldi fascinating. I think it's because when libration allows, you can glimpse bits of the moon that are often unobservable! Great link too, I have not seen that one before. The 2.5 TOE is a great eyepiece. I use it mostly with the FS60CB. It is surprisingly easy to use for such a short focal length. Malcolm
  16. Hi @bosun21, if you are asking me ... I attach the GPC to the diagonal as per the manual. I'm pretty sure they are connected correctly. I need to do more experiments. It can be hard (I find) to judge relative magnification when the field of view is also changing. I was just surprised that the difference did not 'jump' out at me. Malcolm
  17. That's a great idea of measuring on a photo @Marian M. I'm forever wondering what magnification I'm getting with various combinations of eyepiece and GPC. I was surprised by the seeming lack of difference between a 1.25 and 1.7 GPC on the MB. If they were both showing less magnification as you found, that might explain it. I've done very rough experiments counting bricks on a distant chimney, but that was for field of view. I shall be using your method now to see what the magnifications are! Thanks for posting! Malcolm
  18. That's a beautiful setup. That deserves a posting in the 'pretty telescope' thread. I'd vote it number one 🙂
  19. Love the last one! What is it? Malcolm
  20. Sacrilege! I've a Tak in every room just to look at. My partner even clobbered me once for looking lasciviously at the one in the bedroom (60CB) Malcolm
  21. We start in Abisco, not a million miles away. Maybe if we've time. Thanks again, Malcolm
  22. What a fabulous place and setting. Is it anywhere near the Northern stretch of the Kungsleden? We're hiking that next summer. Malcolm
  23. Snap! FLO managed to get me these well ahead of the quoted lead time. I've only used them a couple of times but they are so much easier to use then the WO ones. Views are stunning. So far I am very very impressed and they would seem to justify all the positive reviews and comments I have read about them. I was blown away with the view of the moon the other morning in the Mewlon before work (Tak 28mm Erfles in), got a real 3D effect for the first time. Our house is so cold at the moment, the Mewlon was pretty well cooled before I took it out. It is also so easy to carry out and attach to the tripod/mount that grab and go took on a new meaning for me 🙂 Malcolm
  24. Meant to add, I was out each night looking for the Aurora. Only one semi-clear night in a week and no sign of the aurora. I have heard that the various Aurora excursions that are available from Reykjavík seem to know where to go to get the gaps in the clouds! A friend from work did one of these and managed to eventually get to see the Aurora after haring all over the country in the middle of the night! Malcolm
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