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Dave scutt

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Everything posted by Dave scutt

  1. Hi Paul and welcome to SGL
  2. Hi and welcome to SGL. Have you ever been to Oak Island. Dave
  3. Hi johninderby. I have holes to put the top saddle on the side if I do that would it be safe to put the counter weight underneath the top saddle to keep the scope balanced. Dave
  4. I don't know what makes the saddles bad or I know is most people change them when I brought my skytee it had ADM saddles on it.
  5. Hi stu. I asked a similar question the other day about mounting my scope on the side or top. Best to stick the large scope on the side, John just beat me too it.
  6. Just been outside totally clear skies not one cloud but my apps say different. Quickly getting the dob out.
  7. My amazon prime has just ran out😪
  8. Hi d-s-m and welcome to SGL. Your get a lot of good advice on here to what telescope to buy. Dave
  9. It has 4 inches ground clearance. If I didn't have the trolley there's no way I would be able to move it around on my own, makes life so much easier just wheeling it out of the shed
  10. Thanks rwilkey. It did shake a bit when focusing but I didn't want to lay on the floor when looking up at zenith thought it might be just the right height for sitting down
  11. Hi all . I've just purchased a used skytee II mount and have a question. Where would be best to put my refractor on the top or on the side. Thanks Dave
  12. Not the postman as I had to collect it. I managed to find a used skytee II mount with ADM saddles 😁.
  13. Do they still sale them, I need to get one I've never seen a black hole
  14. Hi and welcome to SGL or COC as mentioned above
  15. Should I start looking for a tak at last🤣
  16. Your more then welcome to come and look through my dob in Bortle 2-3 but the distance might be a problem and then there is the other problem of clear skies. So for 2022 I would just like clear skies
  17. Santa has been nice this year . A hoodie to keep me warm at night a few books for when it's raining and a Tak. Don't know what all the fuss is about Tak's ,i think he brought me the wrong one
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