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Blog Comments posted by Patrick1948

  1. I hope you get your kit delivered soon Isabelle..(same name as my three year old Grand daughter..but her's is spelt with an 'O'... Isobelle). I must admit I share the same trepidations as you with the collimating of my Newt. I've got a Laser and a Cheshire and STILL I baulk at the idea....but...like you say, "It must be done!!!".....Clear skies to you mon ami and give that half wolf a pat for me!!!

  2. Another inspirational read MrsR... You transmit your excitement through your words !!! I found 'Turn Left at Orion' a valuable aid to finding my way around the night skies and I hope you will be thrilled with what you will see with the binos. I get on well with Stellarium and have even had my laptop outside on the garden table whilst working my telescope...then the DEW came and the computer shut down...took me two days to dry it out!!!...Anyway MrsR, keep blogging and I hope your course goes well.....

  3. MrsR, your blog is a delight to read and I concur with all that Isabelle says...you keep writing, and you will be added to the few blogs I follow on a regular basis. I'm not an old hand at Astronomy, though I am at life itself!!, and it is always a pleasure to follow someone else's developing interest in a subject the excites the mind. Clear skies to you. XXX

  4. Once again, very good reading, thank you. As I'm plagued with either cloud or fog at the moment (The moment has lasted for over a month !!!) it's refreshing to read about someone having a good time with their scope...and dinner!!...Keep writing and I'll keep reading. Clear skies to you.

  5. I think you are right Warren, just time and experience will smooth things out for us. The eyepieces I use are : Antares x2 Barlow...Super 25 wide angle with long eye relief (that's a good all rounder)...super 10mm...and a Plossl SP 12.5mm.....I've only managed 4 of Jupiter's moons, not even caught a hint of the other 59!!...clear skies Mon Ami.

  6. Hey up neighbour!! Glad to see you made it into the blog world... I've subscribed to your blog in order to follow your progress with the creation of the Le CHEZ observatory and viewing platform. I would be very happy with the level paved area you have at present..my garden is grass and it slopes, but as it's a private rented house, can't do much about it. Anyway, I'll be watching your progress with the Le CHEZ observatory with keen interest. all the best with the project.

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