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Images from 26th /27th 28th July and blog

Imaging report for 27/28th July 2011 I arrived at my dark sky site at around 22:35 and conditions were a little hazy but clear, there was a weather front moving in from the West but I was sure I had a few hours before it arrived. I quickly got the scope set up, I took the SkyWatcher 120mm short tube imaging refractor with me tonight instead of the 200p. I checked polar align app on the Iphone to get the correct alignment position and polar aligned the scope and started with a 2 star goto set-up



NLC picture in Daily Telegraph

One of my pics had made it into the broad sheets, so pleased: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/8613894/Spectacular-display-of-space-clouds-illuminates-skies-across-Britain..html My NLC Images are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/raygil/ Hope you like them. Ray



Major NLC Event this Morning 01/07/2011

Birkrigg, Cumbria Pics taken with a Canon 350D 01:00-02:15 Brightest NLC so fat this year: Main images on Flick'r :http://www.flickr.com/photos/raygil/sets/72157627067912146/ But I like this one: Angels Wings NLC Thanks for looking: Ray



Main Target tonight was M51 The Whirlpool galaxy and the recent Supernova

Birkrigg, Ulverston Cumbria 3rd June 2011 Main Target tonight was M51 The Whirlpool galaxy and the recently discovered Supernova SN2011dh. Arrived at my main imaging site at aprox 22:25 arrived at Birkrigg, conditions were better than the previous night, only slight cloud drifting on the horizon. Set up the EQ5 and polar aligned, balanced the scope and fitted the canon 350D prime focus. Once 3 star alignment had been successful, I tried point it various test objects to make sure alignment was c



April 3rd 21:00 - 00:30 Birkrigg Common - Cumbria

April 3rd 21:00 - 00:30 Birkrigg Common - Cumbria Skywatcher 200p + EQ5 + SynScan April 3rd at 00:00 saw Saturn in opposition and at it's closest to earth for a year, at just under 750 Million miles away from the Earth. Like many other like minded imagers and astronomers I was out at a dark sky site for a few hours, taking in the spectacular wonder of our solar system! Saturn with it's truly stunning rings and Moons, Dione, Rhea, Tethys and Enceladus being the closest but Saturn has many moons,



Goto Scopes, SkyWatcher 200p _ Synscan _EQ5

GOTO Telescopes. Being someone who has had both types of scopes and mounts I can honestly say I have learned more with the GOTO setup than I have ever learned with the manual set up. Previous to my current setup which is a SkyWatcher 200p (8” Mirror) and a EQ5 with SynScan GOTO added I have either manual mounts or mounts with a RA tracking motor for photography. Both Refractors and Reflectors and I certainly prefer reflectors unless you have a very large wallet. Now unless you use your telescop



Observation Report 15th November 2010

Observation Report 15th November 2010 After nearly 2 weeks of poor skies and incompatible shift pattern I decided that a early morning start was required and the sky was clearing nicely. I set off to my dark sky site (Birkrigg Common) at 01:45 and arrived at 02:17, Birkrigg is a Moore on a fell side and trying to get to my usual place was proving very difficult, the grass was very wet and deep ruts in the mud. I tried for 10 minutes to reach my usual place but all I was doing was digging the c



Observation Report for 25/10/10 Iphone Luna Report & Pictures

Observation Report for 25/10/10 Finished work at 23:20 and drove home and got my thermal clothes and collected all the gear and packed the car. Arrived at my observing site at 00:30, and quick scan of the sky pretty much same as last night, Orion rising in the East, Jupiter sat nicely in the South West. The Moon of course is dominating the night sky at present, very bright in dead, washing out almost everything in the sky, and making my dark sky site very light indeed. 00:40 – 01:10 Fully set



24/10/2010 Birkrigg Common – Cumbria 01:30 – 03:30

24/10/2010 Birkrigg Common – Cumbria 01:30 – 03:30 Spent Saturday night at work but I was itching to get out with the scope, it’s been well over a week since the last session. Since then I have strained some muscles in my back, changing a light bulb of all things? Still I’ve put up with it for a week now so it was not going to stop me getting out, what made it worse though, is I slept heavy and had a stiff neck as well, think I’m falling apart? I finished work at 00:20 and drove home to get cha



Obervation Session 16/10/2010 00:00 – 02:30 Birkrigg Common Cumbria.

Obervation Session 16/10/2010 00:00 – 02:30 Birkrigg Common Cumbria. Arrived at Observation site at roughly 23:45 and started to set up, Hate setting up in the dark, with only the odd torch and my head lamp. Once the scope was set up, balanced and polar aligned I proceeded to set the Synscan unit up, using the 2 star alignments. A quick visual scan of the skies, Orion was just coming up nicely in the East, Jupiter was high in the South East and the Moon had already set. My first test object was



Observation Session 11/10/2010 - Cumbrian Skies

Observation Session 11/10/2010 Birkrigg Common – Cumbria. Arrived at my observing site at 19:27, Conditions already look very good, a few stars were already visible and Jupiter was already high about the horizon, seeing was going to be good, a cold, crisp night. Started to set up the telescope, polar aligned and balanced scope, set up the Synscan unit and got ready for alignment tests. Once alignment reported successful I swung the scope to the first test object to make sure it was located in



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