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Ever feel like you're being watched?



February 6th, 2011

5:00 am

The forecast the night before had predicted a cloud-free morning. I was excited by the news since it would give me the opportunity of viewing Venus and Saturn before the sun made it's appearance. There was only one thing on my mind when I awoke,.. to dress and make my way outside! I knew that Saturn's rings were nicely displayed (showing much detail) and I simply couldn't wait till May to see it during normal evening hours.

I quickly dressed and,... the forecast had been wrong! :mad: All I could see were clouds! When I saw a break in the gray skies by the time evening made it's way to this part of the north, I knew that I had to take advantage of the occasion. Venus and Saturn would not be around but I'm sure some of "the other boys" would come out and play!

At 8:00pm, the moon and Jupiter were well on their way towards the horizon but still granted me with spectacular views! Some of Jupiter's bands were clearly defined but they didn't come out on any of my pictures. I tried but frostbit fingers can stay motionless for only so long (-36 Celsius will do that to you).

SGL gave me some very helpful tricks last week as to limiting my shakiness when taking pictures. One of these ideas was to take a video and to then extract the picture from it's files using Registax.

So extracting a picture from a video gave me this:

(Take it easy on me, It's my first time)


My night was far from over. I oriented my telescope by Orion where I visited my favourite Messier Object (M42) and then went out to find it's closest friend, M41, a faint yet beautiful star cluster.

It was while I was gazing at this new object that I felt eyes upon my back. I looked and felt a slight nudge by my lower leg. I was being watched by the little lady you see below:


I don't know her name, where she comes from or where she sleeps at night but once in awhile she comes out to join me while I am outside stargazing. The old saying is therefore true:

You never know when you're looking at the stars, someone may be looking straight back at you.


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the pic is great 1st try we had a short gap in the clouds last night ,and a got the scope out for ten mins but the moon was boiling, here but gave the spc900 webcam a good try but the vids were all boiling but i got there in the end

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As ever, you write a mean blog...very good read and the picture of the moon is great....The other picture is equally as stunning...is it the constellation 'Vulpecula' ?? lol.... It certainly looks very wolf like to me !!!....Clear skies to you.

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The dog does look very wolf like, maybe that's why we have become close since wolves have always had a special place in my heart.

"Vulpecula",.. I like that! :P


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My Husky comes out and stays by my side all night too,

he looks up just as much as me , they say huskies live by the moon , mine definately does , he/she is gorgeous

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I believe that your dog DOES live by the moon. Aren't Huskies a very close relative to wolves? I have seen wolves in the wild and yes,. the moon does have a close relationship with them.


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Yeah probably the closest there is , without his collar he has a lovely shaggy mane and is the spitting image , kids comment all the time , one of my goals is to super impose him in front of a full moon , head up and howling ,is that a hiusky or a wolf that comes and sits with you?

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