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1st Tibbs1972 blog before new site.

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25th Feb Venus and The Moon

I got home tonight and just had to grab a quick shot of the Moon and Venus together. I was amazed by the sight. I've never seen two bodies so close together. I used my Cannon Camera with a 2" Light Pollution filter blue tacked to the lens, as suggested by todd8137. I love the result, it almost looks Alien.



Further Moon image from Webcam 03rd Feb 2012

I had another go at the moon tonight with my Webcam. I manged to split the video with Virtual dub and Stack the frames with Registax. I also tried to get an image of jupiter, but it was too bright. No amount of adjustment of gamma or exposure setting would reduce the glare.



Repair Job Complete

Somehow, I got a burst of enthusiasm today and decided to repair my EQ2 tripod this evening. After an hour and drilling and tapping, I managed to get it balanced. As it happened the clouds also cleared. I quickly setup the laptop and had another shot at using a Webcam. I managed to get about 30secs of footage before the clouds rolled in, so I didn't get a chance to practice focusing with the webcam. After downloading and using Virtual dub to splice the video and remove the rubbish frames of the



Setting up a Webcam with Sharpcap

A while back I purchased a Philips SPC900NC Webcam and flashed it etc to use with Sharpcap Webcam imaging software. I then watched the astronomyshed tutorials on youtube to learn how to setup the camera. I downloaded the software from the link below. http://sites.google.com/site/rwgastro/sharpcap After messing around with the camera, all I managed to get was a flashing screen. I got frustrated and gave up and I still couldn't get the Philips camera working tonight. Yesterday, I thought I would h



New Mosaics 27th Jan 2012

Had a go at some panoramas this morning around my house. I've stiched them together with Microsoft ICE. Had excellent clear skies in the very early morning between 5 and 6am.



Attempt at a Mosaic

I've been playing around with Microsoft ICE. It's really easy to make a mosaic with it. I Just had a go at stitching a second image to the origional photo to widen the final image.



Big Dipper 3rd Jan

30sec Exposure ISO1600, f5.6 Took this earlier in Jan, just converted it to JPEG. Unfortunately, there's a huge 24/7 cement factory North of my house causing a lot of light pollution, so I can't get the best images to the North.



Orion 12th Jan 2012

Great clear skies tonight. Managed to get my first clear shot of the Orion Nebula. Pretty chuffed I finally managed to get a shot.



Scope setup for Sun Observing

Here's my scope and home made sun filter. I've been informed I'll get a better image if I set the exposure time to 1/500. I'll have another go when the clouds vanish again.



Ursa Major 3rd Jan 20:26 to 21:41

I took 66 x 30 sec exposures at ISO 1600 last night, looking at Ursa Major. I then stacked them with 3 dark exposures using Deep Sky Stacker. I also made a short video of the images and uploaded them to you tube. http://youtu.be/5b8aO-LkGQU



14th December Meteors

Now I can say I am officially chuffed. I've seen seven Meteors in half hour, thats broke my record. Thanks 3200 Phaethon Its a shame I have to put my head down, I have to be on the road at 6am. I hope its this good during Star Gazing Live 2 in January.



14th December Meteors

I wasn't planning to observe tonight, but I just opened the front upstairs window as its clear tonight. Facing south, I just spotted three amazingly bright meteors falling over Rutland, UK within a couple of minutes. One was across Orion. Pretty chuffed not to have to wait around for hours on end for these spectacles. I have to say, I feel really priveleged to observe these meteors this evening.



Jupiter Observation - Quick Sketch

I've never had much succes Photographing Jupiter, so tonight, I took the traditional approach of sketching my observation before the clouds rolled in. I suppose this sketech would be a good start for a log book, as the only record I have of my observations is this blog and various folders on my computer.



The Moon and Jupiter

Not a lot going on tonight. Thought I'd go for a different perspective just to get more hands on with the camera.



2 Obects tracked in the north east at 1958.

I just tracked 2 objects together by chance as I was taking 20sec exposures. The first was as bright as the ISS and the second slightly less. Its the first time I've seen 2 objects in synchronous orbit, or what seemed to be the case.



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