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Andy ES

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Everything posted by Andy ES

  1. Welcome you are definitely in the right place for help and advice!
  2. Yes I did consider the 1100 but thought it would be a bit too much. moving this 925 is not going to be a problem for a few more years anyway. 😄
  3. Stopped raining today so managed to get out and set up the finder and have a play with the slew speeds. View looked clear and focused ok surprised how quick I could set up and take down (in day light anyway!) started sunny but now clouded over I think Thursday is the best bet based on clear outside app.
  4. This Black CAT is only 3 days old still hasn’t opened its eyes yet!
  5. So out of the box came this Celestron CPC925, a thing of beauty! The boxes got delivered really quickly by FLO and all looked in great condition. Looking visually it all looks undamaged. First impressions of this scope are that it has excellent build quality, I hope the optics match. The tripod is fantastic, I think you could balance a circus elephant on it! I think the tripod is standard for the whole range so I guess it is a bit large for this mid range scope. My Mrs face was a picture as she came into the room. “Gee willikers, 😳what is the killer robot from Robocop doing in the dinning room!!??” I suppose I didn’t quite explain how big it would be ! 😄 something I wanted to get sorted out quickly was the weight and manual handling issue that had been slightly bothering me. Fortunately it was easy to lift out of the box and onto the tripod on my own so I don’t think it will a problem for a few more years. I think fitting it to the locating pin will be a technique to master. However an SGL member has already pointed me to a locating guide that can be fitted to help with this. I have done a lot of research on this scope to check it will meet my requirements, visual planetary and small DSOs but not photography. I have also asked lots of questions and SGL members have been great in helping to give advice. to this end I have also purchased a few upgrades: Baader 2” visual back, diagonal, Astro zap heated dew shield and battery. The click lock system seems very good. Eyepieces are Baader Morpheus 76 and Explore scientific 82. I understand these might be a bit more than this F10 SCT needs but I’ve got them for the future and other possible scopes. Looking forward to powering it up today and hopefully at least lining up the finder. (If it stops raining!) I’ve read a few members would like to hear more news of how newcomers are getting on after they have asked initial questions, so I will do this as I go along hopefully it might help someone else. Thanks again to all who have posted past and present to help me make decisions. I’ve been out of astronomy for about 30 years so it is good to be back. Cheers
  6. Auntie FLO came round today with some essential shopping! Should be an interesting evening 😀
  7. In these times of low stock everywhere if I see stock suddenly come in I have always asked the supplier to check it’s not a return or ex demo. FLO have confirmed this to me a couple of times if you pay for new it should be untouched and pristine. its all been said before but I would expect a replacement, I bet that one won’t be full of dust!
  8. Better not make it too thick not sure how long the holding down bolts are 😬
  9. I’ve started a bit too early this year ! 🍾🥂🍻🍺🍺🍺🍷🍷🍷
  10. Thanks I wondered if I could make a disk the same size as the base and put it on the tripod to help with the alignment
  11. Happy new year FLO I look forward to doing business with you in 2020
  12. Hi everyone, I’ve been contemplating purchasing the above or the 925 version for a while now. After reading many SGL threads and asking questions I know it will fit my needs: visual, planetary, small DSO and no Astro Photography. (Please tell me if I’m wrong here!) Everyone who seems to have owned one of these always seems to be really impressed with it but then when I look for follow up posts they Always seem to have been sold on and fairly quickly. The question ultimately is does it not meet anyone’s needs or is back to the weight issue again?? I would be glad to hear from anyone who has actually owned one and could give a definitive thumbs up or down based on their experiences, did you regret buying it? I’m hoping not to have too many regrets in the new year! Thanks for you help, happy new year. Andy
  13. I got into bed with my Mrs after a freezing night and she woke up and felt me and thought I was dead !
  14. Every supplier I talk to about celestron availability say they won’t have stock until the Spring. however the FLO what’s in stock page is useful. Merry Christmas all by the way.
  15. The council has just replaced the street light on a path at the back of my garden. I have gone from the usual orange glow to “ Is the light working?” Yes it is but because is LED with a proper shade all the light goes down where it’s needed, when you walk underneath it. A massive improvement. I suppose it’s a start.
  16. Andy ES

    Hello from Devon

    Welcome Nugs from a fellow newbie. you can ask any questions here and you will get the most detailed and patient answers. you have definitely come to the right place to learn enjoy!
  17. Great, thanks again all for a very thorough explanation and advice. really appreciate it.
  18. Thanks so what EPs would be recommend for CPC 925 and 1100 I understand that Baader Morpheus and ES would be suitable?
  19. Thanks all. This will probably be the Celestron CPC925 or 1100. So if I use a 2” diagonal there is no point using more than a 68 degree EP ?
  20. Thanks I’ve been looking at the Baader 2” click lock system as a possibility with their diagonal. Thank you
  21. Thanks for your time with this detailed explanation cheers
  22. Hi Im considering purchasing an F10 SCT. I’m wondering if a focal reducer will be required to achieve a wider field of view for viewing DSOs or can this be achieved by EPs such as the ES 82 degree series? Im not going to be doing any photography. Any advice greatly received. Thanks
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