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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Excellent capture and processing. Nice details. It seems that the high FPS has helped. My last Mars was at 300fps and like you said having a large stack to play with helps. Talking of exposure, what is the concept of 2 or 5 ms exposure? I know planetary imagers use that . Why not faster? Eg ISS we go down to 0.5ms with a gain of around 200 to freeze the motion. Wouldn't that help us with planetary?
  2. It's been nearly a month since I last imaged ISS. Last night I nearly got rained. Tonight I dodged the clouds and managed a half decent pass with overhead jet stream . In the pass the radiators are nicely lit where the iROSA panels are hard to see (the stretched photo shows them). SpaceX Crew visible. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate.
  3. Nice one Geof. Despite the weather you are still pulling a good image. The bouncing statement made me laugh!
  4. Exactly what Geof said! Wow! That's from last night? You are pulling some fine details there.
  5. Looking good for the conditions.It's pretty much what I did with my processing. It seems you were out 1hr or so later than me (mine was at ~11) based on the rotation.
  6. But we are still trying 🤣 although we know that we will not get super images!
  7. There is my daughter looking at the moon through the Dob. That was last winter, when she was 4.5, before bed thus the setup through the sitting room doors. Second image is my son helping me to capture ISS last spring (7years old), but he also loves looking at nebulas.
  8. Thanks Geof. It's great when people share their techniques or tips on their processing; I know that it will not always work but gives a different perspective. It sounds you had a terrible night last night. I hope you can salvage somehting out of the effort. I had same issue with focus, and to be honest I am surprised that I managed to get anything at all from the capture. I dodged rain twice last night. It's not looking any better tonight either 🌧️☁️.
  9. Looks much much better in my laptop screen; nice colour balance.
  10. Atrocious weather out there tonight, again! I just managed to bring in the Dob before the rain started. Awful jetstream and blowy winds. Not the sharpest but glad to have got it. Good practice when and if we ever get the good seeing. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 150%. Happy for feedback/criticism. @geoflewisI tried to use some of your tips from your Mars post and I think it has helped to bring out some more details than my usual approach.
  11. Well done! Great capture with a mobile. You have managed the noise quite well. You may want to up the brightness a bit, or at least in my mobile it's dark (I can see it when I zoom in). Again great job.
  12. It's looking clear tonight but with jetstream above us.I just setup for ISS pas at 540.
  13. It's looking very good despite the conditions. Is that a single capture or derotated a few movies?
  14. Great you made it working. Now you need some decent seeing to get more details out.
  15. Thanks. I was under the same impression too. I will give it a try.
  16. Thanks for the detailed walk through. By Do you mean, just 10% sharpening in AS!3? I have always used unsharpened images in registax, at least for my captures I seem to get a lot of noise if I take the sharpened version, but I should retry. This latest one is more vibrant, in a good way.
  17. I think that's true information there and not artefacts. Zooming in, you also have what appears to be lower clouds as well, below the main cloud. I think that's one of the best Mars I have seen this year. Scientifically an excellent polar cap capture!
  18. The left one for me, apart from brightness it seems to have more details? The polar cap colour seems more natural as well, I tend to go to blue/white recently as well. Now you have to tell us what's different in the processing 😉.
  19. Stunning! Polar hood has a 3d feeling to it, you can almost see the cloud rising due to the shadow depth. Lovely details on the rest as well. I really wish you get good weather on opposition as you can deliver some amazing images.
  20. Fingers crossed. It seems the East of UK is getting the worst of this weather, at least I am getting some gaps for imaging. Opposition is not too far away so i keep my fingers crossed for all of us.
  21. Thanks Stu. I am glad you managed some time out. I think for DSO, the weather was good; I had a quick pick on M42 that showed nice extended nebulosity, pleiades and M31 with dust lanes. On the eyepiece Jupiter was awful and Mars fairly fuzzy (I must have got the better seeing during imaging).
  22. I saw the gap and excellent transparency that's why I got out. Jupiter was a total mess, I was hoping to do more CH4 tests. Earlier in the day, we had a mild weather but by late afternoon it was getting much colder so it must have been air currents mixing/turbulence. We seem to have a never ending bad weather this year.
  23. Fantastic clear skies tonight but awful unstable atmosphere with blowy winds. No jet stream but probably cold fronts mixing with the warmer air made a mess of seeing. Despite that, I managed 2x4min captures, derotated in winjupos. 8" Dob, manual, asi 462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. 150% resized.
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