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Everything posted by Laurieast

  1. In the Configeration Window Change the GUI , lower centre of screen. Remember to save your settings on exit!
  2. Met office. Nice partly cloudy red sunset at the moment, but not enough to set anything up. Feels like it's been cloudy forever! But I have noticed when I get up in the night it's clear 🤔
  3. Camera's, at least three! Lot's of wires and power supplies.
  4. Top photo here suggests it might be M37? https://earthsky.org/space/2-comets-21p-giacobini-zinner-wirtanen-2018/
  5. The 130P Heritage is 6.2Kg The 150P Heritage is 7.5Kg ST80 OTA with tube rings, dovetail bar, diagonal, RDF, and eyepiece is just over 2Kg Might as well future proof it and go big 🙂
  6. What about roundabouts where they meet up with even-numbered 'A' roads 🤔
  7. Could it be your location is not set in CO? Which might be why your lunar rise and set are suggesting your in the arctic circle?
  8. Cloud cover is about right on mine, but it's often not. How is your Moon "No Rise" and "Set 18.05"?
  9. 21.30 on 24th November looks interesting, but below the horizon I now realise 🤫
  10. Thanks Malcom, yes did it exactly like that, and connected in PHD with "On Camera". But I bought some kit from FLO, so likely to stay cloudy for some time before I can test it! Might try it on a distant street light 🤔
  11. Yes I did and that did work, but I was not sure if that was the right way for the laptop to talk to the motor drive handbox via the ST4, but if you say so I will try that again. Testing anything with eternal cloud cover is the usual problem! Thanks. Nothing like that for miles, there is this but.. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Skywatcher-Telescope-Control-Serial-Converter/dp/B07HL2Z741/ref=asc_df_B07HL2Z741/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=499393282480&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15273921679366876470&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046380&hvtargid=pla-712410493185&psc=1 Thanks Pixies.
  12. Hi All, I'm trying and failing to use PHD2 with an EQ3-2 (Not Pro or Synscan). I have the EQ3-2 and Enhanced duel axis motors, a Zwo ST4 cable, a Serial port to USB adapter from my ETX, and tried to install GPUSB but the laptop does not like that. Have read this and think I understand most of it https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/136565-guided-eq3-2-write-up/#comment-1364449 But I can't find a way of connecting to the mount in PHD2, the ZWO 120mm mini connects fine. I suspect the Serial port to USB adapter , but the Zwo item is no longer available, maybe there is something else? Lost in space now! Thanks for any insight!
  13. @Paul M If it's not too complicated and time consuming, could I ask how you got it to display time stamps on the track? I have been trying for a week now with Ceres, I can get a track using the latest data from MPC, but I just cannot figure out how to time stamp it! Thanks!
  14. Starry Night gave a completely different version. Tried Cartes du Ciel, Stellarium, HNSKY, CPWI (useless), Sky Portal, Just d/loaded SkySafari
  15. If there is a way of adding date markers to this, I can't find it, but thought it interesting anyway on a cloudy day (again!)
  16. Thanks @almcl, just had a look at those and it was where I had already been.
  17. The threaded holes in Skywatcher dovetail bars are camera tripod thread 1/4-20 UNC . Most consumer cameras are fitted with 1/4-20 UNC threads.
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