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Everything posted by Earl

  1. Larger lenses can have a foot on the lens rather than attach to the camera body to help with balance. like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/iShoot-Compatible-180-600mm-Arca-Swiss-Stabilizer/dp/B0CLZNP8YJ?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A6PLHIZCW59QI finding one that fits your lens is the tricky party.
  2. Cloudy again, balance is restored..

    1. LukeTheNuke


      I apologise. I'm to blame. Just got a new camera after being cameraless for a few years. The forecast now looks dire! I've resorted to imaging some cells to test the camera.

      Anyway, good luck for a lovely big clear patch soon!

  3. Short but sweet Star Trails 01/06/24, but what's the blob!! lens looked clean!
  4. Congrats, it never ends in this house we have the grandkids for the weekend. 7 Kids between us and 5 grandkids so far...
  5. Earl

    Plane & Moon

    Far far from Pro, I tinker with what toys I can. Pixel 7 Pro, its good however im not that convinced it is much better than the Huawei P30 Pro I used to have, maybe on paper it is but in practise im not so sure. My Drone has its own inbuilt camera. Osmo vs GoPro is a swings and roundabouts, im looking forward to seeing the spec for the 13 in September, as i dont consider the 12 much of a hardware upgrade from the 11 more of a firmware update so you dont have to use the GoPro Labs Custom firmware. Overheating is an issue however on the 11 Hero Black, if you use an external power tank and remove the main battery out of the GoPro this solves that for most modes, however does then present wweather sealing concerns and stops you from going underwater with the basic setup. It is worth noting however I do not use the GoPro as an action cameras which is what they are desingned todo. It is often on the top of my DSLR so i can record video with that while taking photos with the camera (as my Canon does not do Video and everything below the 90D is only 1080p) , which has presented different issues once more LOL
  6. Earl

    Plane & Moon

    I do try 🤣🤣🤣
  7. I agree the Billions spent on Luna landing would be far better spent in fusion power and super conductor reserch and are ideal stepping stones to looking off world, however im sure there are many more pressing issues before that .
  8. People doubt things as authority has a proven track record of been liars, its not rocket science 🤣🤣
  9. Id go with clean runnig water, sanitation, food globally, ... you know important things for everone.
  10. Its all nice but I think there are more pressing matters to invest the time, energy and funds into.
  11. Earl

    IC 342

    That is a huge issue, not all use calibrated displays, I dont and I use a 49inch TV as my monitor which is also very different.
  12. Earl

    IC 342

    its a very fine balancing act, I never got it right
  13. Earl

    IC 342

    I think the background is just a touch to smooth thats all
  14. Need to find a new place to take them with an interesting tree or something in the forgroud.
  15. Could be a pub name, first shot of the set for tonight, pretty chuffed. Humm I have some bunnies !!
  16. A Mak or SCT will be ideal, they are very compact.
  17. that would be pintched optics and look differnt, Im refering to everthing past the focuser of the scope. Sorry for not specifiying in better detail originally
  18. Purchase the very best mount you can afford it is in reality a longer term saving.
  19. When I had a dome I considered a faff, should of got a ROR if I had the space for one but didnt and a dome was a more suitable temporary soution at the rented house, I sold it in the end to a member here, I cant recall who now, and hope he had many happy nights.
  20. The first time I saw the aurora was in Vik Iceland on our wedding night going back to the cottage we were staying in, all it looked like was a grey moving cloud, which is what Sam who had looked into it more than i did was expecting, grab our phones and there was the green on the screen. last weekend the screen was pinks on the whole for us.
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