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Everything posted by HollyHound

  1. Agreed… the Planet and Tri-Pier have the same payload capacity and weigh about the same too 👍
  2. Already posted on night setup thread, here’s my new AZ100 setup… it’s been moved onto my iOptron Tri-Pier… rock steady, whilst focusing or even pressing my eye firmly against the eyepiece. A noticeable step up from the Uni 28 (which is now home to the Vixen GP) 👍
  3. Join the club, we can go mad together 🤣 You will love these in the FC-100DC though 👍
  4. I couldn’t see E or F last night in either the DZ or Mewlon… I think the moon being close and fairly bright didn’t help. I think it should be feasible to see them in the FC-100DC, but the only scope I’ve seen these in so far has been the 10” Dob… loving the moon, but once it’s gone again and clear, I’ll wheel that out for another look 🤞
  5. Thanks for all the great tips and suggestions everyone 😃 I can see now that it was a combination of long cold session, leaving the eyepieces (and binoviewer) on the scopes between sessions, and I suspect my face/breath being enough to just tip them over the edge. So will definitely put them back in their case (and bring them indoors) during observing gaps, be a little careful breathing near them and perhaps sort them dew prevention out too 👍
  6. Good news on this… no dewing at all on Mewlon 👍 The DZ was starting to “mist up” a little towards the end, but Mewlon didn’t. It’s finder was a little though! I did put objective covers on when I left them for those few hours between sessions. As soon as I brought it indoors however then yes, some condensation formed on the mirror and I needed to leave it (open) for a few hours until clear (same for DZ). I need to invest in a 4” dew strap… I have a 5” for the C5 and the controller to go with it, but rarely ever use it 🤔
  7. As it happens I have done some short sessions where I keep my few eyepieces in the large coat pockets… another very good suggestion, thanks 👍
  8. Ah, yes I did… I capped all three XWs that were on the scopes (two on the binoviewer on the Mewlon). I guess they’re going to get cold over those couple of hours and also the end caps aren’t really insulating at all. I may well have accidentally breathed on them as I moved to observe, so super cold surfaces and moisture wouldn’t help 🤔 The eyepieces normal live inside a hard case in foam, and although I had those closed, I did keep the lid open whilst observing and noticed they were all a little damp externally as I brought them in (I did leave them all open to dry out though). I think you’re right… will pop them all back in the case at all times when not being used and keep the case lid shut. Thanks for the suggestion Jeremy 👍
  9. Went out again for another hour. The Mewlon was properly cooled now and the moon a little higher. Only slight issue was that the XW20s in the binoviewer dewed up almost as soon as I uncapped them… need to figure out why 🤔Swapped back to single XW eyepieces. The DZ still amazes me at the level of clarity it was producing on the moon, but the Mewlon just (very) slightly edged ahead. Both of them showed me detail I’ve not seen before (yes even from that little FOA-60Q!). Decided to have another look at M42 and saw bit more nebulosity with the DZ, but again much more with the Mewlon. Finally had a quick tour of some doubles… Polaris, Mizar/Alcor and companion, Rigel (again), Alnitak and then tried Sirius (unfortunately not got this one yet still). Started to get cold again and things were dewing up a bit, so called it quits. Very happy to finally get a decent long session again and put both scopes out together. I can see this combo working very well. The Mewlon with the binoviewer was amazing for detailed comfortable views of the moon (just need to sort out the eyepiece dewing). The DZ cools very quickly and can go from super detailed lunar views to widefield 👍
  10. These mirror (no pun intended) my views through the Mewlon (and DZ) so far this evening.... lovely indeed, thanks 👍
  11. Fog cleared here almost as soon as it got dark, so I've had a most enjoyable two hours, almost exclusively looking at the moon, with a tiny diversion onto M42 and Rigel. This is the first time I've had the FC-100DZ and Mewlon 180C together, and also I've moved the AZ100 onto the iOptron Tri Pier (so freeing the Uni 28 for the Vixen GP which I haven't yet used very much!). This combination is absolutely rock solid, even pressing my eye fully onto eyepieces and focussing or moving the slow motion controls... barely registers any adverse movement on the scopes 👍 Was comparing the moon between the two scopes and of course the DZ cooled much more quickly, to give lovely sharp, contrasty and white views (zero colour anywhere except from the atmosphere on low down stars). Mewlon took well over an hour before the "boiling" view settled (I think actually it's still cooling even now). Pentax XWs in both scopes... XW14 to 3.5 for the DZ and the Mewlon is equipped with a pair of XW20s in the binoviewer. Just a joy, the longest I've spent just cruising around on the moon, just stopping at objects of interest and comparing the views... I'd have to say there's not a lot in it really, but there's a tiny bit more detail on the Mewlon, which could due to the super relaxed view through the XWs on the binoviewer (need to check this on the DZ sometime). I even popped the Vuxen HR 2.0 and 1.6 (their first light) and gobsmacked how much detail is still coming through on the DZ... this is a seriously impressive lunar scope 😀 Checked out Rigel and even though still a bit low and not ideal conditions perhaps, the DZ split it easily with an XW7 (I think 🤔), although there was some colour visible (low and atmosphere). Had a quick look at M42... Trapezium lovely in both, some nebulosity visible in the DZ (but hampered by the moon) and this is where the Mewlon shone through, showing plenty of nebulosity (even without averted vision). Surprisingly I'm really enjoying the binoviewer for this kind of viewing too, so just left that on the Mewlon throughout. Finally my fingers where starting to go quite numb (note to self to locate suitable gloves for observing) so have popped back indoors to warm up and have some food... planning to pop out a bit later and do a little more, but really happy to get these two scopes out together and finally have a really really good go on the moon 😁
  12. Looking good 👍 Same here… all setup, just gone a little foggy right now, but expect that will clear 🤞 The “big guns” tonight… Mewlon 180C and FC-100DZ… their first proper outing together. It’s also the first test of AZ100 mounted on the iOptron Tri Pier (Uni 28 is now being used for the Vixen GP)… this combination is absolutely rock steady! Just put the binoviewer on the Mewlon, and the moon looks awesome, even with light fog 😃
  13. That’s a fine looking scope 😀 I found the ScopeTech Zero and Berlebach Report was a little too “wobbly” with the FC-100DC, but absolutely fine with the FC-76DCU 👍
  14. Thanks for that confirmation 👍 I’ve noted that when I use the extender on my FS-60CB, there is very little remaining in focus when using my Pentax XWs. They do come to focus, but only a couple of mm remaining 🤔
  15. Presumably the FS-60Q is the same scope as your FC-76DCU(Q) but with the FC-76 objective unit replaced with the FC-60CB objective unit ? Look forward to your comparison reports against this lovely Zeiss.... at f/13.5 even as an achromatic it could compare very well against the (slightly) shorter focal length apochromatic 🤔
  16. Not that I'm into imaging, but this looks like a seriously impressive setup 👍
  17. I’ve not tried the 12.5mm, but did have the 14 mm Morpheus and tested it alongside an XW 14 and Delos 14 in the StellaMira 80mm f/10… the Morpheus had some field curvature, the XW had a little less and the Delos had none. I kept the XW and sold the other two, because I just love the on axis quality of the XW range, prefer the ergonomics and the field curvature is mild in the FC-76DCU and no issue at all on the FOA-60Q or Mewlon 180 😀 As you’ve indicated, the Ethos 13 has none, so that gets used a lot too 👍
  18. Ha ha, you've already discovered the wonderful and expensive world of Takahashi accessories 🤣
  19. It's a superb looking setup @Stu... despite my reservations in the post above, there's a lot to love about a long focal length, but small (ish) refractor 😁
  20. I've yet to try my Extender on the FC-76DCU, so your reports are really useful Stu, thank you 👍 I've read various reviews that indicate a small benefit for a flatter field, but not not necessarily anything else visually that can't be gained with shorter focal length eyepieces. My main concern is that I love what the base FC-76DCU gives me as a superb grab and go "all rounder" and having to screw/unscrew this on and off again, goes against that ease of use (and may make the scope more ungainly). However, I'm fortunate to have other Taks that cover the other focal lengths, so I can see that if one was building a single versatile scope "system", especially one that is easily transportable, then this does indeed add value 😀 The Extender does indeed turn the FS-60CB into an FS-60Q, which is a lovely little scope, but again here I've already started missing the super wide field of the base FS-60CB in my primary use case as a second "finder" scope, so have now removed the Extender from that too. Likely hang on to it though, for the reasons already given (versatility and travel options). Given how inexpensive (in Tak accessory terms 🤣) the Extender is, then I think it's a useful addition for anyone with these scopes though...
  21. Not sure whether Takahashi routinely include these either... I have converted my FS-60CB to Q by buying the Extender separately and the seller did include some end caps. However, looking at my FC-76DCU (given that that is designed to be taken apart to pack for travel) that has no end caps either for the two separate parts 🤔 Hopefully an FS-60Q owner can confirm 🤞
  22. Nice first light report and you have a great scope, eyepieces and mount for a lifetime of observing 😀 I had my Tak 100 on M42 last night as well and it's amazing the detail that can be observed... the nebulosity particularly looks great and even more so when you "avert" your vision very slightly 👍 Look forward to hearing more...
  23. Forecast was for clear sky, so setup the AZ100 with both the FC-100DZ and FOA-60Q and let them cool for 30mins. Had a little look at Jupiter before it disappeared behind the farmhouse roof, then just cruised around (nothing in particular) enjoying an actual clear sky. Spent some time swapping between XWs and Ethos in each scope for the first time, to re-familiarise myself with them. Split Rigel in both scopes without any trouble, was going to try for Sirius (never tried this one yet), but still too low behind the trees. The FOA-60Q seemed to give the cleanest split with faint diffraction rings (same for Polaris too). Pleiades we’re lovely as always, refractors always bring these out nicely. Finally spent a good while on M42, trying out various eyepiece combinations. Didn’t push the magnification high enough for Trapezium E/F, so I’ve still only seen these in the 10” Dob so far… next time. I have also concluded that whilst the Ethos give a superb view, I still prefer the XWs in these refractors, and the (very) mild field curvature on the XW14 and XW20 isn’t an issues at all in use. Nebulosity just seems that little bit more visible with these eyepieces. Cloud started to roll in a little, but it was the cold that forced me back in after a couple of hours… great to be back out again though 👍
  24. The shortest of grab and go sessions ever… popped out to put some rubbish in the bin, and looked up… the sky was actually clear 😮 Grabbed the FC-76DCU (already loaded with XW20) and was out observing within 3mins! Pleiades, Betelgeuse, Rigel (just through the trees), Aldebaran, plus a few more in and around Taurus 😃 Then the clouds rolled in… total viewing time was less than 10mins, BUT it was at least some actual observation… the briefest clear oasis on an otherwise completely cloud covered desert over the last two weeks 👍🤣
  25. Ha ha… not that one unfortunately, but I am working on it 🤣
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