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Everything posted by HollyHound

  1. Which when fitted, turns the cute (but short focal length) FS-60CB, into a lovely FS-60Q (FL 600m, f/10, flat field quadruplet) ๐Ÿ‘ Could even turn the FC-76DCU into a 954mm, f/12.5 super planetary/lunar scopeโ€ฆ but I think realistically it will stay as an FS-60Q for now ๐Ÿค”
  2. Just delivered and superbly packed, thank you ๐Ÿ˜€ Takahashi CQ 1.7x Extender ๐Ÿ‘
  3. Not so much a โ€œwhat did the postman bringโ€ but more two things that arrived previously, finally fitted together ๐Ÿ˜ƒ The MEF-3 fine focuser I got months ago has finally been fitted to a scopeโ€ฆ my new FC-100DZ. I love fine focus control on my refractors ๐Ÿ‘
  4. The FC-76 I'm referring to as my grab and go is the standard FC-76DCU, which is f/7.5. I could convert it to the "Q" variant, but I have the FOA-60Q for that super long focal length planetary/double scope... as it is, it's just about a perfect scope for DSOs, doubles, lunar, planetary and very versatile (remembering it's a 76mm aperture only). I don't have any direct experience of the 72ED, but have used the AZ Pronto (with an ST80) before and it was a nice, lightweight mount. I suspect the combination would be a perfect complementary scope to your TS125 and would likely fulfil that grab and go requirement, whilst also being significantly cheaper too ๐Ÿ‘
  5. As mentioned, my grab and go setup is an FC-76DCU, ScopeTech Zero and Berlebach Report... it stays permanently assembled just inside my office door and I (now) usually leave a Hyperion Zoom installed on it... it takes a minute to take it outside, I'll sometimes come back and grab the observing chair (but not always) and that's it, I'm observing. I would highly recommend this type of setup, as it sounds like you have the same work/time/family constraints that I have. As I work with a Montreal based team, I am sometimes dealing with calls/meetings until 9/10pm, so being able to pop out for 20/30mins is very handy ๐Ÿ˜€ I had the FC-100DC (now have the DZ) and wouldn't recommend it on this type of lightweight setup, as it shakes a bit too much for my liking when you adjust the focuser... fine on the AZ100/Uni 28, but that's a much heavier beast to lug out, so I usually only do that if I know I'm going to be able to use it for at least an hour.
  6. I would certainly agree it's well worth checking out second hand market... I've bought both my FOA-60(Q) and FC-100DZ, plus the CQ Extender for the FS-60CB, this way... plus all of my Tele Vue eyepieces. I've bought a ton of stuff new (mostly through FLO), but buying and selling on the used marked does turn up some gems, can save some money and a good way of passing kit on you no longer need ๐Ÿ‘
  7. Thank you, given my relative lack of experience, I'll stick to the larger aperture scopes for now... I have either 7 or 10" of aperture to play with then. I do have the option of using tracking with the Mewlon which might help, but I've also acquired an EQ tracking mount for the Dob, which might be useful... first trick is to properly locate and get comfortable with Neptune ๐Ÿ‘ That is a pretty awesome thing... we're used to stars and galaxies being huge distances away but they're fairly bright... as you say, this is a (relatively) small lump of rock and to see that from your back garden has to rank as something to remember ๐Ÿ˜€
  8. And I should add I meant 40mm in my earlier post (now corrected)... not 4mm!... been a long week ๐Ÿคฃ
  9. Wow, I know mine is only just over a year old and I the one on the Vixen looks quite new too, so indeed the must have made a subtle change... I guess they've had some complaints or comments.... either way, great to hear ๐Ÿ‘
  10. Out of interest, I tried my Takahashi dovetail in another ADM saddle (dual Vixen/Losmandy that came with the Vixen GP I bought in August) and it clamps tight in that too. Of course I don't know how old or new that saddle is. It also clamps tight in the iOptron AZ Mount Pro dual saddle. I've measured the dovetail width along the wide base at exactly 40mm and the same applies for the smaller dovetail that I removed from my Mewlon (to replace with Losmandy). How does that compare with yours @JeremyS ๐Ÿค”
  11. What a lovely tradition ๐Ÿ˜€ To be fair, she bought me a lovely watch in return, as my engagement gift from her... so perhaps asking for another scope would be pushing it ๐Ÿคฃ
  12. Must have done... just tried it again (not on the mount anymore) and it does grip tight, although it only seems to have a tiny (0.3mm) of extra travel left... certainly never had an issue over many months of use, so I guess it's been corrected in the last year or so ๐Ÿค” Or Takahashi have increased the width of their dovetails ๐Ÿ˜„
  13. This is a challenge I want to set myself.... never tried for Neptune (or Uranus) yet, so something to go for very soon... think this might be something to try with either the 10" Dob or perhaps the Mewlon ? Sounds awesome to see a moon on a planet that far away... you can get a bit blasรฉ about seeing Jupiters moons, but that's a whole different ballgame... nice one ๐Ÿ˜€
  14. Much like John... Venus, with the naked eye, whilst out walking the dog... seemed to be a bit of clear sky, so quickly setup the AZ100 with (new to me) FC-100DZ and FS-60CB (as finder). Unfortunately Venus was below the farmhouse, but got lovely view of Jupiter and ok view of Saturn (bit low and over the farmhouse). Reminded myself just how how much of a difference a 100mm makes compared to 60 or 76mm, so glad to have the DZ in the fold ๐Ÿ˜€ Unfortunately clouds started to roll in and there was very little else to see, the odd star here and there but nothing worth pursuing, so just continued to take in the beauty of Jupiter until even that got clouded over.... still an hour with a new scope in the same week it arrives is a good thing ๐Ÿ‘
  15. Strangely enough, I never found an issue with the ADM saddle I had fitted to the ScopeTech Zero, perhaps it just has enough travel ๐Ÿค” As it happens, I've moved away from using the saddle/dovetail anyway and returned to mounting the cradle directly directly to the mount. The saddles on the AZ100 seem to work fine too, but they have an enormous travel on the two locking clamps. I agree, that if there is any chance of slippage, I wouldn't be comfortable risking it though ๐Ÿ‘
  16. I think, on balance it is the more secure solution... it does look like you might be able to get the M8 bolts in those wider points on the slot (which appear to be 35mm spaced, although offset from centre), so might work, but seems a bit of hassle when there is a dovetail specifically for the purpose. The More Blue dovetails work brilliantly with their rings of course ๐Ÿ‘ I've been running with the Tak dovetail and cradle in the ADM saddle on the ScopeTech mount for months, and it worked perfectly. I've only swapped to mounting the Tak cradle directly, because I favour an even lighter, simple solution and really was never mounting any other scope (than the FC-76 or FS-60) on that setup anyway ๐Ÿ˜€
  17. As I have both of these dovetails and the cradles, I thought I'd give it a try for you.... it can be made to work with that cradle and the More Blue dovetail, but you'll need to substitute M6x20 bolts for the supplied M8 bolts and provide some suitable washers and nuts, as the holes on the cradle are just a tiny bit too big for M6 alone (without washers) and unfortunately the slot on the More Blue seems to small for M8 bolts! If you want the elegant, secure solution, perhaps see if you can cancel the More Blue dovetail and substitute for the Tak one instead (although more expensive!) ๐Ÿค”
  18. Pretty sure you'll be ok with this, it seems to have a few flexible options... the slot helps... worst case, you can bolt the cradle directly to your ScopeTech so you can get viewing ๐Ÿ‘
  19. As per this review... http://alpha-lyrae.co.uk/2018/03/31/takahashi-fs-60q-review/ Either will work, so it's really your choice... I have both, because I keep the larger (non foot) version on the ScopeTech and the other on a dovetail, but I have had them the other way round. Both cradles should come with the M8 bolts needed to attach to the dovetail (or indeed direct to any Takahashi/Vixen 35mm spacing compatible mount) FYI... this is the dovetail you want, unless you can source a cheaper variant... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/takahashi-other-accessories/takahashi-tkp71423-dove-tail-male-for-mewlon-210.html
  20. Fortunately, it's a relatively small box, so much less obtrusive than when my Mewlon arrived for example ๐Ÿคฃ I would get the "foot" version if you can, it's a touch more versatile and also a tiny bit lighter (not much). Having said that, if you are going to get the extender, balance becomes less of an issue.
  21. As per my reply to Dean, there are two cradles that fit.... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/takahashi-cradles/takahashi-tka20420-tube-cradle-for-fs60cb.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/takahashi-cradles/takahashi-tka20420q-tube-cradle-for-fc-76dc-fs-60q.html The first (with the "foot") is arguably more flexible, as you can push the scope forward a bit more for balance, but either works ๐Ÿ‘
  22. The cradle is really nice... there are in fact two that fit that scope... one smaller one with a "foot" that allows the scope to be moved forward a bit more, but the normal cradle is great and of course they both fit the FC-76DCU should you ever choose to upgrade ๐Ÿ˜€ One small note... did you manage to order the Takahashi dovetail to go with the cradle, it has the specific 35mm spacing for the bolts on the cradle... however, in your case you can in fact just bold the cradle directly to the ScopeTech, but then you'd lose the ability to (easily) attach the StellaMira ๐Ÿค” Buying the Takahashi scope is the easy bit... you wait until you look at adaptors, cradles, accessories etc etc etc... in fact don't ๐Ÿคฃ
  23. I did, although snuck the FC-100DZ in last week... but to be fair that was "one in one out". She did thankfully ๐Ÿ˜€ It was a surprise whilst we were on our (long delayed) holiday in Rhodes, and having been there before we knew of a lovely family jeweller and so that become my most expensive purchase this year, but she deserved it.... anyone putting up with me for so long does ๐Ÿคฃ Now it's just the wedding to pay for ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I wonder if there a tradition in Japan for the groom to receive a new triplet refractor as a wedding gift... If not, I'm sure there should be ๐Ÿค”
  24. Just be thankful, Jeremy and I didn't confuse matters any further by throwing the FOA-60 or it's "Q" variant into the decision process ๐Ÿค” Which one are you going for Dean.... and a "tentative" welcome into the Tak owners club.... you don't have to be mad to join, but it certainly helps ๐Ÿคฃ
  25. Mine is also quite happy to have the Taks on their Berlebach tripods in the office, and she doesn't mind them at all, even comments they look "ok".... this is why I finally (after 8 years) proposed two months ago... just like the Taks, she is a keeper ๐Ÿคฃ
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