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Everything posted by PeterW

  1. Agreed, I have some 45degree ones and the zenith is pushing things…. If I get bigger bins then they’ll be 90degree to make zenith observing more pleasant. Peter
  2. Dream like views when you pair them up…. Double barrelled! Peter
  3. Starting to get a bit long and “pirate like” PEter
  4. Baader morpheus are well thought of, anything over 70something degrees give immersive views. With angled binoculars you can just use a heavy tripod and a fluid head, though purpose made yoke mounts are also common. No neck spraining either. A parallelogram is only needed for straight through models. Peter
  5. Looking at the TS “30x100mm”, you can see the 2k ED models and the 1.3k semi-apo (achromat) options. For astro the 90degree make zenith viewing a little nicer. There seem to be other selling these like Altair and Astroshop.eu. APM sell semi-apo, “ED” and “SD”, which is even better, TS seem to selling the first two. Tripod mounting, angled viewing, changeable eyepieces, all useful options to have for larger bins. Peter
  6. What sort of brightness? I am debating trying to get up to have a go, but you know what my skies are like! Peter
  7. Usually only found singly… but found protected inside dedicated buildings like shrines?! Peter
  8. We are certainly blessed we can get “pretty good” for not a lot. Many of the old bins have restricted eye relief. However if you like really Wide angle views the old models can have the edge, though the top Modern units are sharper over more of the field. There are a good deal of nice 7x35 out h there, neglected size. Peter
  9. Well the postman delivered an old Parrot drone “smartphone fpv” goggles. These were then slightly disassembled and modded a bit and now I have a more useful set of bino straylight shields that don’t try to unfocus my eyepieces like my binobandit does. Cloudy of course, but should be good when it’s next clear. Peter
  10. The right kit, filters, good sky transparency and knowing the scale of object you’re expecting all help… aperture isn’t everything. Peter
  11. Yes, like like both went pretty fast. PEter
  12. The general rule is that if it’s not Gen3 then you’ll be disappointed. Camera based EEA and tracking mounts will be your best bet. The higher the Gen3 spec the narrow the filters and the better the result. That tax rate is painful, more so as NV is not cheap to start with and many countries face export restrictions. Peter
  13. There is a very reasonably priced unit in the for sale forum. You could sell the odd body part that you don’t absolutely need 😉 GPS hasn’t really changed hugely, mostly the receivers(?), it’s been in operation something kg like 40years or more. Gen3 NV is nearing 30yrs old. can’t see the prices dropping… though thermal tech continues to drop in price the way that much other tech does. Peter
  14. It appears better is possible, @GavStarhas stopped imagining. @Highburymarkatnleast you got gain control and a non-green view! Always keep an eye out for those”special” transparent nights when the nebulae put up less of a fight to being seen…. Peter
  15. I concur, he’s got plenty more to go after https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/477453-h-beta-filter-is-it-any-good/?p=6232667#entry6232667 Peter
  16. For centre focus you need to set the dolioptre adjust and then get the bandit on without it twisting anything, for Individual focus its plain annoying. The eyepieces are a bit bigger than some other bins, so it’s worse than other people might find. I use the bandits in the daytime on other binocukars and they’re very handy. Peter
  17. “Worst LP direction”… the one streetlight within a dozen miles of you?! Have you tried filters to go after the harder times see nebulae? why trying to keep the cats in? If they want to stay out then more peace for you? Peter
  18. I’ve had bandit issues with my IF 10x50, I have plans to deal with this by replacing the bandit which is otherwise very handy to improve the view. Peter
  19. Great to hear you’ve got off to a good start with it! Peter
  20. I’m enjoying the views with a 66mm and 80ED for spotting. You get wider views and higher mags than spotters…. Astro eyepieces are better and Zooms are a compromise. The downside is that one thinks twice before lugging the extra weight. Peter
  21. Not huge sums as the filters I originally bought were not the highest spec ones. As you can store pairs of 1.25” filters in small boxes it takes up a lot solace than eyepiece pairs! Peter
  22. …. Like eyepieces I have several pairs of filters now… though I am trying to ”optimise” (read get rid of the ones I don’t absolutely need). By wedging 1.25” filters into the eyecups with 5mm foam sheet it saves me needing to buy any 2” filters! Peter
  23. I was using OIII I think, saw it from Esher too. With bins you need to get things in pairs! Peter
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