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Everything posted by josefk

  1. Hi @Saganite - that is interesting for me - can i ask a natural follow up question? Do you recall what kind of FOV you were you using in the second scope? i.e. was it 15% of a lot or a little 🙂
  2. Nice description @Sunshine I’m in the process of considering the same two scope approach and what you describe you observe is exactly what I would like to see. Nice. 👍🏼
  3. That’s a nice descriptive list to give us ideas @Mr Spock STF2472 looks lovely!
  4. Thank you. I was a couple of hours earlier than that. It is a great pic. 👍🏼
  5. What time was that @Kon if you don’t mind. I didn’t see the GRS myself and assumed it wasn’t on show for me rather than the seeing was “that” bad.
  6. with a full moon or nearly full moon it was always going to be about the planets and doubles last night. In the event like @Davesellars i didn't find the seeing really supported the planets; Saturn spoilt by the nearby glaring moon, Jupiter shimmering and with quite bright ADC and Mars also a very bright ADC dominated swimming target. I'm still not very organised with doubles so just attempted a few named star types (for practise as much as anything in separation estimation, position angle estimation, and capturing them in a drawing) and selected them based on them being in the North (i.e with my back to the moon). Achird, Mizar (AB and Alcor), Shedar and Sigma Cassiopeiae all split. Sigma Cassiopeia being a fine but definite 3" separation. Navi and Caph not split but not having done my homework i'm not sure if they even should be (possible). Caroline's Rose [NGC 7789] and The Owl Cluster [NGC 457] observed while in the area. I drew the Owl cluster which i assumed to be an upside down "owl" last night. Nice. Some other nearby globs were not flattered by the very light sky so i didn't "waste them" last night. The seeing didn't support splitting the double double at 02:00 (my regular sky quality check) even though the elongation was clear. Very warm. T-shirt till nearly the end of the session at 02:30 ish. Cheers
  7. nice tak @Sunshine With a full moon; doubles and the planets were the plan over here for me last night too.
  8. Fantastic again!!! And now i'm kicking myself - why oh why oh why did i not give it another half hour at the eyepiece on Saturday morning when i was watching the single Europa shadow transit to see if i could see Europa itself enter across the face of the planet? I would have known exactly where to look. Doh!
  9. Nice one @MylesGibson. A couple of times recently sketching at the eyepiece (though i hesitate to call my efforts sketching) has "gotten me out of trouble" the next day in the sense that for some reason my brain can turn to mush in the middle of the night and i make mistakes in my records - having the sketch the next day can really help to check and validate and/or correct the night time notes and/or prompt me to want to go back to something on another night to see what my "sketch" indicates i had blatantly missed to see on a first attempt. Cheers Joe
  10. @neiil phillips I only wish i could have been out to see it too. Damn school nights! Your pic is a consolation this morning 🙂
  11. I enjoyed that Dave. Thanks. I am finding all these different experiences (mini data points) from different observers using different kit but on the same targets and on the same nights a really useful classroom :-). Would you say the difference on the Veil in the two viewings in the same night and using the same filter for you was defined by the difference in the apertures 4" vs 12"? Cheers
  12. Hi @PeterStudz you’re right it was Europa. I wrote it up as Io even though I couldn’t get my head round the geometry of that as Io was leading the planet to the west. Europa makes much more sense 👍🏻 Thanks.
  13. Thanks @JeremyS it was definitely about maximising the clear window. “The rig” may end up with something blue and white and ~900mm fl. on the other side of the mount - I’m selling the idea to myself by looking at stuff bigger than 60’ on purpose 😉
  14. you know its been a good one @Mr Spock when it looks like this - the dawn chorus is well underway - and you're still at it 🙂
  15. Other than a few binocular sessions while on holiday this is my first time out ‘proper’ since May and boy oh boy was it a cracker. It turned into a 7hr “all you can eat” special. Sorry i go on a bit below. TLDR - Jupiter was ace in the end. The location for this session was Fineshade Woods in Northamptonshire. The sky was clear and dark after the moon had set. I don’t know the precise sky quality or Bortle but it should be SQ21.04 and Bortle 4 according to “Clear Outside”. For what it’s worth in the middle of the session i could see about 10…15 degrees width of Milky Way stretching about 90 degrees eastwards from the western (leading) edge of the summer triangle so very favourable I think. It did get a little damp in the atmosphere after 03:00 and this affected lower altitude targets. Nominal targets for the session were to have a look at Jupiter and Saturn with my new eyepiece giving 200x/0.9 exit pupil/21’ TFOV and to try and catch the Europa shadow transit on Jupiter. Other eyepieces used gave 80x/2.4mm exit pupil/60’ TFOV and 140x/1.something exit pupil/31’ TFOV. I have an 8" Cassegrain and use a Nexus DSC. First up after alignment - a quick look around Lyra. Split all four in the Double Double and Zeta 1 & 2. I didn’t find Epsilon 1 any easier to split at 200x than at 140x (my highest mag on this scope to date). Maybe my kit wasn’t cool enough? First proper target was the North America Nebula to see if i could see nebulosity here. i have never really satisfactorily observed nebulosity of this type (without really knowingg i was really seeing an optical artefact like damp or glare). I had no better success on this topic here tonight so will need to read up what kind of aperture i would need (or filter). I did ‘trip over’ NGC 6996 in my 80x/60’ eyepiece while here. Next M11 the Wild Duck cluster. A wow at all three magnifications though most aesthetic at the lowest mag of 80x. I drew this twice it was that nice. Nearby M26 wasn’t quite so robust. The sky was too light at my lowest mag and the cluster too ‘exploded’ at the higher 200x mag. M11 the Eagle Nebula. Another lovely view and again best at 140x/31’. No hint of nebulosity so what i was really looking at here was the star field. M17 the Omega Nebula. Hah. i drew it before realising what i was really looking at (or what i should have been looking for). I didn’t draw the horse Head Nebula nor imagine i could see it after finding out where i really was but i had at least drawn a nice clean ‘wall’ of the nebula against the blank space so my eyes aren’t completely rubbish. Next up M25. Pretty at 80x but not so much at 140x. A change of pace and with Saturn on the cards later i wanted to take a look at NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula. It needed loads of mag and a little bit of imagination to see why it was named such but i don’t think i was kidding myself too much. It was an object where i was fiddling with the focus constantly - it didn’t want to be in focus. I realised i had crept a bit low down towards the horizon though and so will come back on a night when this is higher. Messier 73 was next and my notes last night are a “a pretty subtle thing rather than a pretty thing”. Again best a middling 140x magnification. The same notes would apply to nearby M72. No such messing about on M2 next up. Delightful on a first look at 140x and got better at 200x. Never properly resolved but a lovely smoky ball of mist with edge stars beginning to peep through. Lovely. This brought me round to the planets and the principle reason for being out tonight. First up Saturn. i was impressed and disappointed and then impressed. Impressed first at the image scale (i've been limited to bino's for a while). Saturn itself was pale and without any change in tone anywhere even into and onto the rings. I only observed intermittent “flashes’ of a partial Cassini Division on the Eastern (11:00 in my EP) side. This was the disappointment - i expected a little more sharply etched detail. The second wow though was the moons - four resolved as discs. I drew the moons i could see before checking (keeping myself honest) and found i had observed Lapetus, Titan, Dione, & Tethys (actually when checking my eye piece drawings again 09/08/2022 it had really been Rhea paired with Dione to the east of Saturn not Tethys). Even after checking where the others where (or should be) i couldn’t see them so will have a read up on what is achievable in my 8” aperture. Time for coffee break now but as i looked up Pleiades poked me in the eye. I have never seen it so sharp (and resolved) with the naked eye. Lovely in the bino’s and lovely (even though fragmented into jigsaw pieces) in the scope. I really need a solution for getting wider than 1 degree! After coffee i stayed near M45 and took a quick look at Mars and Uranus. Mars was horrible and i didn’t hang about :-(. Glaring diffraction spikes and blobby - really not round. Uranus obviously better being dimmer. A little silver ball bearing. I spent a few minutes on Melotte 20 (nearish Mars and Uranus) while waiting for the Europa shadow transit but this cluster was considerably nicer in the bino’s than in the scope as you would imagine based on its size so FOV was becoming a bit of a theme of the evening. Anyway- on to Jupiter. Also not nice (to start with). Hugely bright (my 200x is still nearly 1mm exit pupil) and worse - glaring diffraction spikes again! I haven’t had a scope with vanes for something like 20 years and i had kind of forgotten this effect on the planets (i don’t mind it so much on bright stars). I slowed down and i think my eye adjusted or calibrated the glare a little bit. I could only make out NEB/SEB constantly. Other bands only intermittently flickered into view - a few milliseconds in total in something like 45-minutes of total observation time. I had one very very short burst where the whole body looked like polished marble but literally “blink and you miss it’. I couldn’t see the shadow transit and i thought i had messed up my timing/planning so i was a bit disappointed overall but because the planet was so bright on this viewing (03:15 ish for 20 minutes or so) that i came back here last thing in the session (04:15 till 04:45) while the sky was lightening and everything else in the sky was disappearing. In the second mini session the view had improved a tiny bit (enough to linger and allow it to keep drifting through the eyepiece at 200x) and lo and behold there without looking for it was the shadow of Europa. FANTASTIC. i have never seen one before! i didn’t watch the full pass but i watched maybe 25%. From 1/4 across the face of the planet to one half. Brilliant. In between the two Jupiter mini sessions in this session i had a quick look at Hyades and Aldebaran (it would be rude not too on a night this nice). This only emphasised i need to have a think about getting a wider field. The bino’s again best and the bino’s best for the Double Cluster and Stock 2 too. Stock 2 was an ad hoc target here because i had a feeling damp was creeping in and i wanted to check something more or less directly overhead. Overhead was clear and indeed damp had crept in lower down. Before wrapping up after Jupiter at 04:45 i had a quick look back at Mars and now Venus as well a little to the east but i couldn’t even achieve focus (on either) - there was that much bounce in the atmosphere. Oh well; all good things come to an end and this had been an epic super enjoyable session. I will miss these cool but not cold summer nights! Cheers Joe
  16. ...so whoever posted this recommendation on here in recent days probably should be on commission... I've always appreciated using binoculars for astro. It never fails to amaze and please me that a small hand held tool who's day job is filling the eye with birdlife at 10 meters distance (my daylight hobby) can also bring a galaxy at 2.5 million light years distance into view. I probably should have bought this book just before my recent holiday rather than just after but nevertheless the summer triangle and easy to find objects around it have been great fun in the bino's these past couple of weeks; Andromeda, M52, M39, Albireo, the Coathanger and so on. Hopefully this book will structure finding and enjoying a few more...
  17. Ordered yesterday from The Widescreen Centre just after lunch and received this morning before 10:30. pretty good turnaround i would say. Bought specifically for 200x and ~1mm of exit pupil for Jupiter these coming weeks 🙂. Clear outside has about two hours forecast clear between now and next week 😞
  18. TBH I thought I was going to miss out with cloudy sky over this period but a bit of luck (waking up at the right moment) and jumping outside to take advantage was well worth it and I’m glad I did. A pity I was a bit late out as I couldn’t see them in a line like that with the naked eyed as the sky was lightening. Lovely nonetheless. Cheers
  19. That's another really nice observation report Israel and nice reports for other Messier objects in the link. It partially compensates the not very dark nights here to live the experience through the vivid observations of others 🙂. Thanks
  20. Also out for the parade of planets this morning. A chance drink of water and a glance out of the window to see mainly clear skies about 03:15 ish triggered me to action and a short walk up to my local park with the binoculars. The skies were clear except an arms length fistful of cloud low on the eastern horizon. Observed Jupiter and three moons (i think IO was a bit too snug into the planet to spot at just 15x in my bins). Mars was barely naked eye visible to the NE of Jupiter while Saturn was naked eye visible but only after finding it in the binoculars then know exactly where to look. A few minutes later and a slight walk further up into my local park to a higher vantage point and Venus was visible. I thought i would miss out on Mercury due to the cloud bank and growing brightness but finally i also had Mercury in the bino's. Mercury wasn't naked eye visible in the growing light even knowing where to look. A strange and lovely experience to spot all five in a sky with nothing else in it except the moon and Carrion Crows. 🙂
  21. ...well that certainly brought it to life :-). Thanks
  22. Hi there, I know of this one ready made: https://www.expedition-equipment.com/product/national-luna-12v-auxiliary-battery-box/ However if it were me i would be looking to DIY something because i fear there is quite a bit of mark-up for the convenience factor of the ready built ones (though i would be happily corrected if someone else knows better). It may be worth a look round on here for bits and bobs you would need to make one yourself: https://www.12voltplanet.co.uk Cheers
  23. looks like a desiccant cap Steve. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/astro-essentials-dual-fit-desiccant-cap-red.html
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