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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. So, I have decided to do some testing on my set up for tilt using ASTAP, and I do have some, but it does seem too bad, so here comes, what maybe a stupid question, will field curvature, due to not having my flattener fitted with the images I was using to test, screw up the tilt results, as the results clearly show some tilt and curvature…and wondered how much of the tilt result would be affected by the field curvature… I have only just got the flattener, so it’s not been used yet… Thanks for looking Stuart
  2. What is the spacer between the reducer and the filter wheel, could that be removed and or a shorter one added…?
  3. Sounds like you are moving, or at least nudging towards the dark side of CMOS imaging….🤔😀
  4. Anything under 3.0”/pixel does not really benefit that much from drizzle, in my limited experience….👍🏻
  5. First of all why are you drizzling…? Are you well undersampled…?? I actually prefer the non drizzle version, as much more structure detail showing…👍🏻
  6. Yes, I have just watched the first few, very good for a PI newbie like me…👍🏻
  7. I do this guiding in one direction only, for my EQ8 in DEC, and it works very well….👍🏻
  8. Hello, ‘I would say that’s deffo cable snag or something holding the axis back from moving as it should, but not flexure, that would be far more subtle…the other thing would be well out of balance as I have experienced this years ago and it was down to balance….or not having some east side bias.
  9. So the single light with the reverse vignetting is straight from the camera with no calibration at all…? Is that correct….?
  10. Once you have used the Polemaster, then I just slew to target and platesolve in NINA, no need to any 3 star alignment, that was for before platesolving was introduced. ‘The three star polar alignment tool in NINA, is instead of using a Polemaster and is much better than the Polemaster, and far easier, I sold mine and now just use the TPPA tool in NINA, it’s fare quicker and much more accurate…👍🏻
  11. I did this target earlier this year and got 5.5 hours, and it’s not that different from yours, although mine was only 2 min subs with an L-Extreme dual narrowband filter
  12. Very nice rendition, and especially for just 2.5 hours….👍🏻
  13. To simplify you should have no pixels with a value of zero on the min side, but try to keep down below 1000 and as few as possible above zero on the max side…
  14. The minimum is due to the offset, this should alway be above zero, but not too high, under 1000 is good, its how far your histogram is from the left side, as you should always have a number here, mine is always about 400, the max is how many pixels are over exposed, it will say 65000 and then a number with x after it, again this should not go to high, say not over about 200-300x, that means that there are 200-300 pixels that are over exposed, some are ok but the figure should be kept under about 500 if possible… the figure in your first image are ok, the 152x is fine, the 1x could do with being higher, so you need a higher offset to get that up to a couple of hundred or so so it means you have 152 pixels that are over exposed which is perfect. You will always have some, And you have 1 pixel that is clipped in the black point
  15. Well they all play a part, just not sure which values you mean, can you send a screenshot of them….👍🏻
  16. First of all what camera are you using…? the histogram should be just to the right slightly of the left side, so as not to clip any black pixels… So that is where you offset comes into play for CMOS cameras…it all about setting a good gain and offset, if it’s a CCD camera or DSLR then things will be different…👍🏻
  17. Here you go first one I saw £80 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/275460236589?hash=item4022b5a52d:g:xgkAAOSwnzhjIdrl&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoG16kZuLGsIwxzNCpm8hqGiW4JelJ%2BdPJgnKaZl4oVK0f5%2BDRuZgrW403eKHGawIGuMnT7%2BLqm1fDo5FKbj5wMdqsblacer5umWraEanGk5Ozub88wk2KeGLnMj3LOttD5PVp2sNl0537MKlLl%2FD66PblF0zTSGGlDibtYRRXXAvtpVBxxxG7w7Q6PaPaqzkqOSuWIIEW34vsLqtzbRACy4%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_KxrNPnYA and an i5 for the same price… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265885134214?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D241915%26meid%3D548da8e8e9ff4148815e2ea989a6634c%26pid%3D101195%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D275460236589%26itm%3D265885134214%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuWithRevOptLambda90KnnRecallV1%26brand%3DIntel&_trksid=p2047675.c101195.m1851&amdata=cksum%3A265885134214548da8e8e9ff4148815e2ea989a6634c|enc%3AAQAHAAABEPZqctS1aW2Gn1fMafrLrPa7%2BqLD2Pgo5GTgCDTJgIpBMBHaBHcFvdVGNBWeIytK8U7x8RargP9Bv5VZgW5ZIFPxp%2FlXkwdmCAiAzvT1lEn0QXTwt5%2Facer6h1rxQV9llDWx6lqKkJsjQl%2BBb8Dib%2BB2BC%2F2TuOvXUsq%2F%2B%2FgtN51hjZhXFG9ACMpWn11%2FSAOEXpMzYjh2CYc6Lj7Rji78KTDGOQbaGVLsGKjl9e6uc2JWgfYGiqOQIvapYUao%2FWsOM5HPrsvoMIT4%2FrEbScNBj4TWpMtyMhPBDNsDkrJ0aLGj%2BIWF18D6HLUMtPGLzwLo7ZkNXrpAjuHQklVm5%2BW3GZbPJqXvT6B3b9%2F9Ur%2BJixF|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675
  18. Hello, I bought an older i3 Intel NUC mini PC from eBay for £90 with 4gb RAM and a 120gb SSD drive fitted, Wi-Fi and 2 USB 3 ports and 2 x USB 2 ports, and with win 10 pro, this is more than enough power to run all your software without issues, they can be powered from 12v just fine, although the mains supply that tends to come with them is 19v, bit they can run from 11v up to about 20v, also due to the heat they will produce when running, frost should not be an issue at all..👍🏻
  19. Yes what @teoria_del_big_bang said ….😂 I knew someone with more knowledge would come and help me out…. cheers Steve….👍🏻
  20. You can put a keyword in the file name and it will group only those together, I am not expert, but I have seen this question on the PI forum and the answer was to use keywords, so maybe best to search in there as I don’t want to give incorrect advice… I think if you add the same session date to each set of flats, and then enter “DATE” in keyword it should separate them as you want…
  21. Yes, especially if you use keywords…👍🏻
  22. You are correct, it does not work with older PS, I used to have CS6 and it was a nightmare to read….👍🏻
  23. Yes the scaling works just like that, the text is readable perfectly fine, but you still get plenty on the screen, it’s perfect for PI and NINA, and the text is the perfect size… Scaling is automatic in windows but can be manually changed if needed, and it’s also available as an option in Linux, not sure about MAC, but I guess it would be…👍🏻
  24. Really, I use a 28” 4k monitor all the time with RDP to my mount PC, it’s superb, and as windows always scales up to 150% anyway, why don’t you like…?? oh, and I do all my editing on it too….I really find it perfect…
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