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Neil H

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Everything posted by Neil H

  1. How about this https://www.amazon.co.uk/sourcing-map-Silicone-Flexible-Stopper/dp/B0CF5CBRN2/ref=sr_1_16?content-id=amzn1.sym.306fc632-b708-44a1-b889-4a72bb15bd0a%3Aamzn1.sym.306fc632-b708-44a1-b889-4a72bb15bd0a&keywords=rubber+plugs+for+holes&pd_rd_r=809c50e0-6a62-4394-95c1-007cc5b96c03&pd_rd_w=Qhx2G&pd_rd_wg=c2Q0x&pf_rd_p=306fc632-b708-44a1-b889-4a72bb15bd0a&pf_rd_r=D03JXXKTWAY7JWAWXJBG&qid=1707938620&sr=8-16
  2. Congratulation Nigella I can't believe you have not got a number one mug
  3. Hi I have 3 celestron power packs not cheap but work really well , one is now 4 years old and still powers well , I have never gone the lead acid route but to the weight and they can stop giving the 12volt 2 amps long before they go flat and this will mess up the tracking A little while back my wifi dongle went bang the the celestron power pack shut off before my mount could get damaged so I am very glad I use them I have 2 of these https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/celestron-lithium-lifepo4-powertank.html And one of these https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/celestron-lithium-lifepo4-powertank-pro.html
  4. Hi Dave welcome to the site of amazing people that are always ready to help
  5. Hi if you go into manage networks on your phone you can tell it to forget that network , you need to connect to the Wi-Fi first on your phone should come up as Synscan and some numbers once connected it will tell you it does not have internet also turn off auto connect to any other networks you have on your phone that are paired with your phone , once it's connected to sw Wi-Fi on your mount butw go to the app and connect to the telescope
  6. Nigella, that is brilliant I would love to be able to take that photo
  7. Thanks what I will have to do is get updates before I link to Wi-Fi dongle
  8. Ok I have given up on using sky safari or stellariaum on my tablet linked to mount with Synscan Wi-Fi dongle , the Synscan app works but does any one know how to search for comets , I went to comets in the app in the search box I put 144P/Kushida then the timer start to spin and 10 minutes later still nothing Update from sky safari they sent me a link on how to link safari to the Synscan app and mount well tried all 4 times nothing same thing it will not connect to the telescope
  9. Hi I made a set of Wilcox rings that wookie told you about I also spray furniture polish on the telescope rings as they normally have a felt inside the rings and this makes it slide nicely in the rings and the Wilcox rings stops any up of down movement
  10. Hi while your waiting join Astro buy and sell some great stuff comes up on here at a good price
  11. Hi another one to look at is the Mollie pouch all different sizes normally have belt straps saves carrying it they do them on Amazon
  12. I have emailed them both I think it's the update to Android 14 , I could never get ss7 pro to work till I used the dummies guide and it worked till now ??
  13. Sorry Moderators can you move to software please thank you
  14. Hi everyone I hope some can work this out for me I have a Synscan Wi-Fi dongle for a while now it will work on its own app no problem but never on sky safari 7pro , so I used stellariaum mobile with no problems but I wanted to use safari 7 , then came the dummies guide so did everything said and bingo I had safari working this was before Dec 2023 update 3 weeks later this will not connect any more to stellariaum or safari 7, Synscan app works but safari 7 pro will not connect I have checked everything all was set as dummies guide , but now stellariaum mobile will not work as well I have removed them both off my Samsung galaxy tab 7 lite then put them back on but they still will not connect to the Synscan dongle but it's own app will work ?? The tab is just a year old running Android 14 one UI version 6 Any help is appreciated
  15. Welcome what's your skys like there ? Good luck getting re- started
  16. I second that on the Samsung I have the tab7 lite and it's really good £140 from Amazon got it next day too
  17. I use the dongle on my HEQ5PRO and once I have done the star alignment it's bang on target , I can even jump on sky safari pro and it still hits targets , I love it so easy to use
  18. Paul you don't need me Peter Drew is near you lol Thanks bosun21 the thread on stripping the Mak was a great eye opener to how this works
  19. Collimation of the skymax 180 Pro is it hard to do , I strip down my mak and flocked it , then after rebuild checked Collimation , it was hard to find good info on how to do this ? I tried to Collimation like a newtonian how wrong was I made a real mess Jupiter at low mag was ok but high mag it was rubbish view like looking through soup . Had a chat with Grant at FLO he said make sure you keep star in the centre of the eyepiece so I did and next star test was poor so what was I doing wrong ? I messaged this great man called Peter Drew at last someone to explain how to Collimate it once I got my head in the right gear it was easy So this how to do it you defocused a star and see we're the obstruction is mine was off to one side as you adjust the Collimation screws the star moves in the eyepiece FOV you then recentre it and look at the obstruction is it better or worse keep adjusting till the obstruction is in the centre of the defocused star and then get a 5mm eyepiece or the highest you have and recheck it if its still centre your done So it's not as bad as I thought it would be to do I did do this in the day time with an artificial star with tracking on the mount turned off , that night I did a real star test and good news it was spot on and the planet killer is up to speed again
  20. The 127 came with 2 extension 1 long and 1 short that's the link to one of them
  21. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjb8I_CkMuDAxW1m1AGHdJxB40YABAMGgJkZw&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5yYavWyzli2Dwie7rYCyG12eLUFBhT1oqWhfd_QyB7udmq81W2Yzj_caAnXIEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2vIEaKMTHc69RsBf2WHL5PQeDKPFQl0O12WMdzBR5-0WDdJ4C3ZoytVoqxJqckbI_GF_o1cqc-9HnMppLGL0E_MDUteofjnvw1nGznhVw4LWq5IUu&sig=AOD64_0-dXNs9zj3IAHxC6RPSoURbrq9nA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwilmYbCkMuDAxUHS0EAHbFNCGQQwg8oAHoECAUQDA&adurl=
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