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Everything posted by Adam1234

  1. Great image considering the camera used, well done
  2. Nice image there, good bit of nebulosity captured in the arms
  3. I finally finished my second pass at processing my image of M31 taken back in November as I wasn't happy with my previous version. I am much more happy with this version. It is a 2 pane mosaic in LRGB. Captured using SkyWatcher ED80, EQ6-R Pro, ZWO ASI600mm Pro. Gain 75, and processed in PI. L = 360 x 30s (3hr) per pane RGB = 60 x 60s (1hr) each of R, G & B per pane. Total exposure 4hr per pane. Adam
  4. Thanks! I've not heard of those scripts, I might give them a look, thanks. I used the linearDNA script used in the Trapped Photons mosaic tutorial, and then used Gradient Merge Mosaic to combine the panels.
  5. I might try and get rid of that greenish glow on the left hand side
  6. This has been my first image for a few months, but I was lucky enough to have some clear skies during November/beginning of December, so I set my sights on our neighbouring galaxy M31. Probably the first attempt at processing this data, this is a 2 pane mosaic in LRGB. L = 360 x 30s (3hr) per pane RGB = 60 x 60s (1hr) each of R, G & B per pane. SkyWatcher ED80, EQ6-R Pro, ZWO ASI600mm Pro. Gain 75. Processed in PI. Comments and critique welcome. Thanks Adam
  7. My new telescope. 28inch objective lens. Only joking, just been to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich
  8. I had a brief look last night and mirrors didn't look out of alignment so hopefully no adjustments needed yet!
  9. This is so much more help than some of the other very long winded and complicated instructions I have found. Some of the other sites on RCT collimation physically gave me a headache.
  10. Just bought the StellaLyra 8inch f/8 Ritchey Chretien. As I like to name all my astronomy gear, I have decided to call it Lionel (Lionel Ritchey Chretian 🤣🤣🤣). FYI I have named my Barlow lens Gary 🤣🤣. Now just need to figure out/learn how to collimate, so if anyone has any good instructions let me know!
  11. My image of Jupiter with transit of Ganymede on 11 Oct 2021. 30 x 45s videos at 58fps, gain 68, exposure 5ms. Best 5% of frames from each video stacked (Autostakkert 3), sharpened (Registax 6), and derotated (Winjupos) to create final image. SkyWatcher 250P, 2 x barlow, ZWO ASI120mc-s. Included a gif of Jupiters rotation just for fun. Adam
  12. Nice. I might have to get some of mine printed
  13. Not as yet, I'm still processing at the moment, I wasn't too happy with my first attempt so giving it another go. Hopefully will post up tonight or tomorrow!
  14. I happened to be imaging Jupiter on Monday and captured the transit
  15. Image of Saturn from last night. This is my best to date so I'm very pleased. 20 x 2min videos captured between 20:15 and 20:45 at 58fps using Sharpcap. Exposure 14ms, gain 100. Each video stacked in AutoStakkert 3 (best 25% of frames of each, or anything above 60% quality). Each stacked image sharpened in Registax 6, then derotated using Winjupos. SkyWatcher 250px dobsonian, ZWO ASI120mc-s, Celestron 2 x barlow. EDIT: forgot to also add I'm in the South UK, so still quite low in the sky, and I'm having to image over the rooftops of the houses opposite my garden Jupiter to follow soon! Adam
  16. Yeah less can definitely be more. I tend to process my images at least twice, the first time I seem to tend to slightly over process, not necessarily on purpose, but it helps to see how far you can push the data, then I dial things down a bit on the 2nd go and have more of an idea what is going to work
  17. I usually start off by mapping 100% Ha to red, and 100%Oiii each to Blue and Green, then experimenting by say adding 20% Ha 80% Oiii to the green or blue, seeing what I get, adjust the ratio maybe 10% Ha or 50%. At the end of the day, the amount of Ha you add in to either the blue or green channel is personal taste. Depending on the amount you add you can get an RGB type look (straight 100% Oiii in both green and blue), but you can also get a Hubble type look by adding in Ha to the green I think. For me personally, I try these experiments but usually end up finding that 100% Oiii in green and blue works best for me
  18. I personally think the Veil Nebula suits the HOO palette best. To me it is more pleasing to the eye and I love the blues and reds that it offers
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