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Everything posted by AstroMuni

  1. Welcome to SGL, ashish83. You should be able to see the rings of Saturn and bands on Jupiter + moons with that scope. It should be visible with both those EPs w/o Barlow. Watching through a glass window could give you blurry views and double images. So if you can open the window and see that might help. I am guessing that the EPs are the stock EPs that came with the scope. Using a 2x Barlow with 25mm would effectively get you a FL of 12.5mm. Using it with 10mm Plossl would make it harder for you to keep track of the planets as they move about. But you can always try πŸ™‚ Where are you based?
  2. Take a look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1PGjeBCVSc HTH πŸ™‚
  3. Welcome to the forum. Brown dwarf is not his name πŸ™‚ You will notice that his name is above that ! Good luck with your search for a scope.
  4. If you are using the Astromaster 130 then 32mm would give you an exit pupil of 32/5 = 6.5mm. So depending on your age this may or may not suit the entrance pupil of your eye. Ideally the exit pupil should not be more than your entrance pupil to optimise the amount of light gathered. As we age our ability to dilate the pupil diminishes 😞
  5. I have the hand controller so havent used the wifi connect option. I do have the app on my phone...The alignment procedure should be pretty much the same. The android app has an Alignment button which should get enabled once you have connected to the mount. and then its something along these lines (taken from online help). HTH πŸ™‚ I am guessing that the options will be same as on the handcontroller i.e. 1-star, 2-star or 3-star alignment.
  6. Could it be a satellite or just contrails? Guessing that you took a long exposure shot.
  7. Have you tried using the Synscan Pro app to connect to the mount? If that also does NOT work then we can look at other options.
  8. Amazing pics. Could you post the details of how you got the pictures as well pls.
  9. Phone holders definitely help πŸ‘ Like this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/Solomark-Universal-Phone-Adapter-Mount/dp/B0188KP6T8/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1P0S36VCB88C4&dchild=1&keywords=telescope+camera+adapter&qid=1595331443&sprefix=telescope+came%2Caps%2C204&sr=8-3 or https://www.celestron.com/products/nexyz-3-axis-universal-smartphone-adapter
  10. This is at around 10pm in SE direction to view Jupiter & Saturn
  11. Mars & Venus are not too far apart at the moment and rise after midnight / early morning, and Saturn and Jupiter are close to each other but rise earlier in the night.
  12. Beautiful pics. What phone and camera app are you using and what were the settings on the camera app?
  13. Short answer is yes, but as we are talking astronomical distances here, it wont vary much, probably a fraction of a turn on the focusser. But if you change the eyepiece then it would need refocussing ofcourse. Hence people like to buy parfocal eyepieces to make life easier.
  14. A lot of the cheaper scopes have a lot of play in the focusser, hence the effect you are seeing. As most of your observation would be done when the focusser is around half way out (check where it actually gets into focus), I would suggest you check if the collimation looks right at that point.
  15. One interesting fact about our pupils is they dilate when we see something that interests us too!
  16. Hi Ishan, From your video it looks as if having an unbalanced axis is pushing the bearing to one side and causing the slower movement. Whereas when you have nothing attached it moves freely.
  17. Thats useful information @ecuador I couldnt spot the MEII in these??
  18. Over and above what has been discussed so far..... I just re-read the manual. Looks like the software does figure out its not properly aligned and it allows you to fix it as well. This is section taken from Synscan manual 11.3 Polar Alignment without Polar Scope The polar alignment function can help users to polar align an equatorial mount accurately. Here are the operating instructions: Complete a 2-star alignment or a 3-star alignment. At the end of the alignment, the Syn- Scan hand control will display the polar alignment error (refer to Section 3.3). Users can use the data to determine whether it is necessary to adjust the polar alignment. Press the β€œMENU” shortcut key, and then access to sub-menu β€œAlignment\Polar Alignment ”, press the ENTER key to proceed to the next step. ....... etc.......
  19. Thats an interesting one. πŸ‘ The manual states that you can do alignment using Octans and I thought thats what would be done down south πŸ™‚
  20. Is this the case only while using Syncscan or with EQMOD direct connection (not via the handcontroller) as well?
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