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Everything posted by ScouseSpaceCadet

  1. Brilliant! That pic is great too, but can snyone else see a can of lager right in the centre or is just me? 🤔
  2. The offer is definitely £16.50 every 12 issues here. Just checked to make sure. The promo code is SKYBA219. www.buysubscriptions.com/SKYBA219 Enter the above promo code into the "Got a promotion code? ADD NEW" box.
  3. Images from TV, magazines, books and the internet whet my appetite for years until I gave in and spent the cash! I'm so glad I gave in. Remembering the first time I observed Jupiter with my own eyes at 150x. Those few minutes had a profound effect, almost spiritual. A real "at one with the universe" moment. Reading some of the replies here, I'm sure I'm not the only one, and many more will follow. Some of those will be enticed by the dark art of digital imaging sorcery. Whatever path people choose, it seems amateur astronomy is more accessible than ever before and long may that trend continue.
  4. Another David Hardie beneficiary! A Baader 2" Semi-Apo Filter at a bargain price and the box seal wasn't broken?!
  5. My experience has been somewhere between this and Paul's. A few months ago, two observing visits a couple of weeks apart, taking a friend and my partner were good.The observatory manager Dave was great. Go home, fill out the membership enquiry and still no reply to date. Several months later I attend again, but alas the treasurer hasn't been for weeks and noone knows where the application forms are. Members aren't particularly gregarious and neither am I, but I wouldn't describe them as unfriendly. Home I go, another online form is filled out and on this occasion, I go to town on it! Two weeks later, no reply... I'll have to visit again. I will persevere because I have plenty of enthusiasm and skills to give and in return, knowledge, camping trips and maybe more likeminded friends.
  6. Alan an image of me in 120 denier tights is not something that can be undone and may give you some sleepless nights! However they do work very well under some sturdy walking trousers and good socks.
  7. I'm trying to join my local Astro society, which happens to be the oldest in the country, with use of their own observatory, weekly meetings, monthly events, street outreach and trips away. Unfortunately it's become a bit of trial trying to get in. Joining MI5 would be easier!
  8. Liverpool John Moores University contains a highly regarded Astro Physics and Astronomy dept. It owns and operates the Liverpool Telescope in La Palma. They run short open learning courses in several related subjects from An Introduction to Astronomy to High Energy Astrophysics. It may be worth taking a look. https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/study/cpd/additional-cpd-courses/astrophysics-distance-learning-cpd-courses http://telescope.livjm.ac.uk/
  9. BBC Sky at Night magazine is promoting Back Garden Astronomy Week. Commencing 28th September. Register to receive daily updates and a rather snazzy 58 page digital beginners magazine. https://www.skyatnightmagazine.com/news/get-stargazing-with-back-garden-astronomy-week/ Contained within the free mag is a discount code for Sky at Night Magazine. £16.50 for a 12 month print subscription. A veritable bargain! https://try.skyatnightmagazine.com/backgardenastronomy/
  10. Just chipping in to clear up the AZ5 capacity confusion. The mount is rated to 5kg with the supplied aluminium tripod and 9kg with a 1.75" steel tripod. The AZ5 mount can be bought as a single unit, without the flimsy tripod. The bolt fitting is 3/8s rather than the more common M10. One can buy the 3/8s steel tripod, or look out for a used EQ mount/ steel tripod and fit an adapter between the tripod head and AZ5 mount. A small newtonian mounted on an AZ5 is incredibly intuitive and comfortable to use. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-az5-deluxe/sky-watcher-az5-deluxe-alt-azimuth-mount.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/alt-azimuth/sky-watcher-38-stainless-steel-tripod.html Or if using a standard m10 EQ3/5 steel tripod, this adapter to convert to 3/8s: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/alt-azimuth/astro-essentials-3-8-photo-adapter-for-heq5-az5-tripod.html The AZ4 is the cheaper option and more likely than the AZ5 to be found used. I've not tried it but plenty of people seem to like the combo.
  11. Apologies if the weather suddenly changes.... Finally a Dob - A Sky-Watcher Skyliner 200p. Whoop! Bought new at the pre hike price and free 2 day delivery from Tring Astro's Ebay shop. Wahay! The finder stayed in the box. A 9x50 RACI and RDF ride the top.
  12. Mr. Ships it's great. Super light weight, holds the finders fine and I've not once head butted the finderscope! Looks Pro too... The thing's so swish even Saturn came out for a look...
  13. Go for it Stub. That one you linked looks jazzy! Although opening a parcel from Staffs isn't as exciting as Moscow. (Unless you're in Moscow getting a parcel from Staffordshire... )
  14. A 3D printed dual finder bracket courtesy of Ebay. £8 + £4.90 postage. It took 6 days to arrive from Russia.
  15. I've treated the Startravel 120 to a Sky-Watcher 2" Di-Electric Star Diagonal... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/diagonals/skywatcher-di-electric-star-diagonal.html The sun's started poking through so fingers crossed I can test it tonight!
  16. That sounds scary Steve... Maybe next time forego the knife and just confront the perp in the buff.. About 17 years ago, a guy trying to break into our kitchen window around 4am ran for the hills, leaving his tools behind, when he witnessed a 6ft, 17st nude nutter hurling obscenities at him!
  17. Looks like a nice bag. Quite stylish! A while back I bought this one https://www.astroshop.eu/carrying-bags/oklop-padded-bag-for-small-telescopes/p,56169 For the price it's great. Initially purchased to hold an Explorer 130PS, AZ5 mount head and alu legs plus accessories. Now it contains an ST120, AZ5 and steel legs. There's no chance of me swinging it around any more, but the bag is coping with the weight.
  18. Stick with manual alt az or Dobson if you're buying a first telescope. Less complicated than equatorial and faster to set up and start observing. Around £200 there are several options. The 130PS and AZ5 mount is nice to use. This is the setup that got me going. The tripod isn't the sturdiest, but the 130PS in the package is very lightweight at 2.7kg, plus the AZ5 mount will be useful should you decide to upgrade. The whole lot is is quite easy to store and lug about in a bag. It is slightly more than your budget at £245. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/sky-watcher-az5-deluxe/sky-watcher-explorer-130ps-az5-deluxe.html Dobsonians are great starter scopes. I've not owned one, only looked through. However, many people here would recommend one. The Skyliner 150p is £207. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes/skywatcher-skyliner-150p-dobsonian.html As Niall mentioned the Heritage 130p is cheap as chips at £139, easy to store, setup and carry, while still showing you the same views as all the other 130/650 variants. It will fit to a tripod should you wish in the future. You will also have plenty of spare cash to upgrade the eyepieces. BST Starguiders come highly recommended and three will cost around £120 new. http://www.skysthelimit.org.uk/
  19. Amazon's finest, 15mm round bubble spirit level for tripod attachment...
  20. My modest, scope for the masses ST120... Just now. Flashed before I start... Sitting on an AZ5 mount, AZ5 extension tube & 3/8 screw 1.75" steel tripod.
  21. Some merchants are undoubtedly inscrutable and devious. Buy very low, sell high. Don't ask where the stuff comes from. Much the same as the occasional car scrap dealers. All one can do is delay a determined thief. Slowing them down with decent locks and doors, plus the small deterent of alarms and lights. Even then, the gods can turn against you. For instance last year, we had car keys stolen during the night from the house and a brand new car pinched. The conservatory door lock was easily snapped, the locksmith was very helpful explaining how. Then, because I had worked 50 hours nights I was jiggered and conked out on the couch, thus leaving the patio door unlocked and alarm off. The thief walked past me to pinch the keys... Good luck securing your obsy's. I couldn't sleep at night if I had one!
  22. The BST Starguiders are highly recommended by several old hands on the forum and newbies alike. I've purchased 8mm and 15mm recently. Compared to stock eps and the budget plossls I've used, they're a fantastic upgrade for a modest outlay. Excellent eye relief, 60 degree fov and a quality view for relatively low cost. I've used them with the Sky-Watcher Explorer 130P and Startravel 120 with no complaints. They're less than £40 inc post if you deal direct with skysthelimit.org.uk Btw, the EP advice here has been invaluable and positively influenced my buying choices. Thanks.
  23. I received this week a Max MAX004S IP67 Rated Accessory Tool Box Lightweight, small, supposedly waterproof and it seems sturdy enough. Most importantly, cheap!
  24. The kit is improving.... New 8mm & 15mm BST Starguiders, plus a used mint 25mm Celestron X-Cel.
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