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Everything posted by GiorgioF

  1. Thank you Alan and Brian. To kind words. I'm always looking for high target and yes, sometimes it deal to be a little hard in judge my works. Maybe also as professional habit ;). I hope to get some oxigen if the weather will cooperate. The aim was to get a bicolour image.
  2. Cheers. Here 5 hours of Ha for this nebula. While quite satisfied by the nebulosity is a pain for me about the stars. The corners are showing all the weak part of the setup. Looking for advice if someone is using a similar setup. ASI1600mm, baader Ha 7nm, light of 300" and 600" (different sky conditions in different nights). Lens Nikon 80-200 f2,8 closed to f5,6. Process all in Pixinsight. Thanks for your help
  3. Uhm.... Nice, really nice catch but I see you are running on my same issue: deconvolution. I'm still fighting with this and I found that it is really aggressive process. What I understand is the background has to be well protected with a nicely done mask. This to avoid the generation of artefact and noises on it. Moreover, a star mask and deringing will greately improve the stars. Please accept this words, maybe looking rude, as a merely sharing of my experience.
  4. A beautiful wide field. I love it and it was one of my latest shot that gave me great satisfaction
  5. As weather is bad, dig in hard disk stay the only resource. Here an old shot, reinterpreted with new process. Stars look bad in jpg as they lost the very thin Ali and softness. Colours seems no bad as details. What do you think?
  6. Superb. No other comments. It's just superb.
  7. Very delicate Image and so much details! Look at the whole zoo of the durst! Really nice!
  8. wow. Amazing. What's the Bortle for your sky? 0,5? Because the result left me amazed.
  9. Thank you Martin. I was looking for the delicate colours but also to get some more details. The filaments of this nebula are so amazing that deserve all the care. Let's wait next year for more data..... Hi Alan, 52Cyg has a so strong light compared with the nebula that gave me a lot of headache without having any good result. Same as GammaCas and the Ghost: never been able to have good result on them..... If you remember some trick, will be my pleasure to learn.
  10. Same as mine. After one year, I still have to learn how to master it in a good way. I've got nice (not good but pleasant) result in using gain at 139 for the Ha on the horse head. Of course depend on sky and what scope you are using.
  11. Shame on you.... I spent last two hours counting all the durst clouds of the galaxy and admiring all the small details you catch, all the curves fading each other in the colour shades. The almost perfect balance with stars and starless is amazing.
  12. I like. I genuinely like but maybe the stars are to much...dry. They look not natural to me. A small halo will give maybe a better result For the nebula I like the contrast between light and dark.
  13. It reminds me a lithography from Gustavo Dorė, in Dante's Comedy. It has, more than the evidence of the wide nebulosity, a dramatic soul that match in a perfect way the Ghost of Cassiopeia. Usually I don't like granular images, I tend to eliminate it and smooth my images but here it's a Magical Touch. If image has also to give some emotions, with this you catch me.
  14. Lost the black of the horse head. Pity. What camera are you using?
  15. With the bad weather the only fun become to test and try. The bottom of HD sometimes give back old light. Here a reprocessed Veil nebula in HOO. The integration comes from a bad night never recovered. Process in PI only with different approach to stars and nebulosity. The game is to take out as much as possible and have a pleasant colour rendition. Would like to get criticism and suggestions for my knowledge improvement (waiting next year for a better capture....)
  16. 🤣 ...first image...... If MY first image of any deep sky object was good as yours, I would celebrate! I still remember my first M31: was a white spot on a dark background.... Really , you've done a great job.
  17. Wow. Years I'm chasing this subject without success.... Well framed and detailed.
  18. A cooperation between Riccardo De Benedictis and me. The Ha was already posted here. Process in PI with the help of the new script weighted batch preprocessing (Tommaso Rubechi and Roberto Sartori). The RGB data from Riccardo was taken by him with a Canon 40d. We said: why not? So, I aligned, cropped, calibrated and mixed the two frames. Riccardo make some retouch on colour and details in Photoshop. Tiziana gave her approval and the result is here. I'm amazed about it. But leave to you the final judgement...
  19. Thank you so much for the comment. I've search around for that picture you mentioned and I agree it's really amazing. I can't compete with Steve experience and skill but it become a benchmark to look at that star.
  20. Wow.... Apologize but can't think any other. I first need to recover my eyes from the monitor. Aside the great dedication for a single project, that alone has given a great result, the way of you elaborate the frame is amazing. I'm also trying to master the potentiality of starnet but up to now, no great success.
  21. Iconic subject. The delicate fading of colours and well preserved details make really the difference. The bright core and the faint nebulas around are amazingly preserved. The framing is perfect. Love it so much.
  22. Elephant's trunk in IC1396. 2 hours only of Ha for this marvel. The picture don't give enough glory to the emission but the amount of durst and veil surrounding this star forming area is amazing. Wish to get suggestion and constructive criticism.
  23. Interesting suggestion. Thank you! Will try tonight on the tiff. Anyway, every time I save a tiff for publication, of course in jpg, the whole quality of the image is fading away. Still have to find the magic recipe.... EDIT I try to follow the suggestion and this is what I think is a good compromize. Frankly speaking yes, it increase the effect......
  24. Good morning. In a rare clear night, a 4 hours of Ha on the heart of the Cignus. Experiment with a 200mm Nikon coupled with asi1600mm cooled at -15 and exposure of 300". I'm quite satisfied about the deep and the details, especially the Crescent that popup from the back nebulosity. Hoping to get the RGB soon but weather is not cooperating. Critics for improvement are welcome!
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